Moscow Working to Block Other Countries from Following Georgia and Declaring Expulsion of Circassians a Genocide, Activists Say

Saturday, May 22, 2021

Moscow Working to Block Other Countries from Following Georgia and Declaring Expulsion of Circassians a Genocide, Activists Say

Paul Goble

            Staunton, May 20 – Ten years ago today, one day before Circassians around the world mark the anniversary of their expulsion from tsarist Russia in 1864, the Georgian parliament voted unanimously to recognize that event and the repressions in Russia against the Circassians since then as an act of genocide.

            At that time, many Circassians hoped that other countries, and especially those like Turkey and Jordan where there are large Circassian diasporas or others like Poland and Ukraine which have long shown an interest in ethnic groups within Russia, would follow Tbilisi. But a decade on, that has not happened, largely because Moscow has worked hard to block it.

            Murat Temirov, a Circassian activist, said that the Georgian action had not only an important psychological impact on members of his nation but practical consequences as well because Tbilisi opened a Circassian Center and erected a monument to the losses the Circassians suffered ( Read more

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Circassian Genocide Anniversary Must Be Not Only a Day of Remembrance but Also a Day of National Rebirth, Activists Say

Sunday, May 23, 2021

Circassian Genocide Anniversary Must Be Not Only a Day of Remembrance but Also a Day of National Rebirth, Activists Say

Paul Goble

            Staunton, May 21 – This year, as they have done for decades, Circassians in their North Caucasus homeland and in the much larger diaspora abroad mark today as the bitter anniversary of the genocidal expulsion of their ancestors from the Caucasus by tsarist forces after the Circassians had resisted the Russian imperial advance for 101 years.

            But this year, even though some of the demonstrations were smaller than they have been in the past both because of the pandemic and because of Russian government efforts to limit them both directly and through its ongoing campaign against the Circassian nation, activists were united in their conviction that May 21 must also become a Day of National Rebirth ( Read more

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Çerkes Soykırımının Tanınmasının Onuncu Yıldönümü /The Tenth Anniversary of Circassian Genocide Recognition

Çerkes Soykırımının Tanınmasının Onuncu Yıldönümü /The Tenth Anniversary of Circassian Genocide Recognition

Adel Bashqawi
Adel Bashqawi
Çerkes Soykırımının Tanınmasının Onuncu Yıldönümü /The Tenth Anniversary of Circassian Genocide Recognition

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21 Mayıs Çerkeslerin ve Çerkesya’nın Yeniden Dirilişi Olacaktır! / May 21 will be the Resurrection of Circassians and Circassia!

21 Mayıs Çerkeslerin ve Çerkesya’nın Yeniden Dirilişi Olacaktır! / May 21 will be the Resurrection of Circassians and Circassia!

21 Mayıs Çerkeslerin ve Çerkesya’nın Yeniden Dirilişi Olacaktır!
May 21 will be the Resurrection of Circassians and Circassia!
Жъоныгъуакӏэм и 21-р Адыгэхэм ыкIи Черкесиям икӏэрыкӏэу якъызэшӏоуцожьыныгъэм имафэ хъущт!
21 мая будет день возрождения черкесов и Черкесии!

20 Mayıs 2021 Perşembe Saat 22:04

2011 Mayıs ayında açılan Gürcistan-Anaklia'daki Çerkes Soykırımı anıtı
2011 Mayıs ayında açılan Gürcistan-Anaklia’daki Çerkes Soykırımı anıtı

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Putin’s Insistence on Single Narrative in Caucasus Deepening Divide Between Russians and Circassians, Urushadze Says

Thursday, May 20, 2021

Putin’s Insistence on Single Narrative in Caucasus Deepening Divide Between Russians and Circassians, Urushadze Says

Paul Goble

Staunton, May 18 – Three days before Circassians around the world mark the anniversary of the expulsion of their ancestors from the Russian Empire at the end of the 101-year-long Russian campaign against their nation and state, the For KBR Rights portal has reposted a study about how that history continues to affect Russian and Circassian communities.

In his 2018 article, “The Caucasian War in the Historical Memory of the Adygs and in the Russian Communications Sphere” (in Russian; Politicheskaya nauka 3 (2018): 129-156), Amiran Uruzhadze says that the refusal of the Russian side to recognize the centrality of this date for Circassians is radicalizing the latter and deepening the divide between them and Russians. Read more

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On the Day of Commemoration of Genocide, Circassians Seek Restoring their Forgotten Rights

On the Day of Commemoration of Genocide, Circassians Seek Restoring their Forgotten Rights

On the Day of Commemoration of Genocide, Circassians Seek Restoring their Forgotten Rights

By: Adel Bashqawi

21 May, 2021

PHOTO-2021-05-11-22-21-07 Read more

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В День памяти черкесы стремятся к восстановлению утраченных и забытых прав

В День памяти черкесы стремятся к восстановлению утраченных и забытых прав

Адель Башкави

21 мая 2021 г.

PHOTO-2021-05-11-22-21-07 Read more

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