Equality for all? – Human Rights in Europe

Equality for all? – Human Rights in Europe

Equality for all? – Human Rights in Europe

12 Nov 2018

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Equality for all? – Human Rights in Europe

Equality for all? – Human Rights in Europe

12 Nov 2018

Human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, the rule of law and respect for human rights – these values are embedded in the EU treaties. The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights is a clear and strong statement of EU citizens rights. Even though Europe stands for equality – are there differences to the way human rights are being achieved?

Of course, we all know that over the course of history Human Rights were often violated. That inspired the UN´s declaration of Human Rights. During the conference I got the opportunity to talk with people from other counties about Human Rights in their countries

I am German and I feel like Human Rights are being respected in my country. Fellow German Pauline feels the same way. Still she would like be more educated about Human Rights. “I know we are in a privileged position, because I don´t have money problems or feel like I am missing something really important”. But even though we might feel like Human Rights are being valued all over the country, others might feel different. After all, Germany was ranked 14th in the Global Peace-Index.


Human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, the rule of law and respect for human rights – these values are embedded in the EU treaties. The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights is a clear and strong statement of EU citizens rights. Even though Europe stands for equality – are there differences to the way human rights are being achieved?

Of course, we all know that over the course of history Human Rights were often violated. That inspired the UN´s declaration of Human Rights. During the conference I got the opportunity to talk with people from other counties about Human Rights in their countries

I am German and I feel like Human Rights are being respected in my country. Fellow German Pauline feels the same way. Still she would like be more educated about Human Rights. “I know we are in a privileged position, because I don´t have money problems or feel like I am missing something really important”. But even though we might feel like Human Rights are being valued all over the country, others might feel different. After all, Germany was ranked 14th in the Global Peace-Index.


























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