Нартан на троих не делится

Нартан на троих не делится

Нартан на троих не делится

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Когда появилась карачаевская порода лошадей, и какую роль в этом сыграла кабардинская лошадь

Когда появилась карачаевская порода лошадей, и какую роль в этом сыграла кабардинская лошадь

When did the Karachai horse breed appear, and what role did the Kabardian horse play in it

Научные сотрудники Всероссийского научно-исследовательского института коневодства помогли нам внести ясность в многолетние споры, ведущиеся вокруг кабардинской и карачаевской пород лошадей. К ним мы обратились с просьбой дать по возможности полную информацию об этих породах. Read more

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Земельный вопрос. Почему в Нартане жители перекрыли трассу ?

Земельный вопрос. Почему в Нартане жители перекрыли трассу ?

Земельный вопрос. Почему в Нартане жители перекрыли трассу ?

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Research on Circassians and Chechens in Jordan

Research on Circassians and Chechens in Jordan

Rana Dajani, PhD



Jordan’s population is comprised of three ethnic groups: Arab, Circassian and Chechan.

Arabs are the main inhabitants of Jordan while the two other ethnic groups have immigrated to Jordan 140 years ago. Circassians have migrated from the Cocas region while Chechans from Chechnya. Both Circassians and Chechans in Jordan have managed to maintain their identity and ethnicity during the last 100 years. One of the main ways they have done this has been through endogamous marriages, the use of the original language and the preservation of certain traditions of their respective cultures.

Dr Rana Dajani initiated a project to study these two ethnic groups.  Dr Dajani created a team of researchers from different fields of expertise from Hashemite University, the University of Jordan, The Jordan University of Science and Technology and the Center for Diabetes, Endocrinology. Our collaborator in the US is the Center of Genomics, University of Pennsylvania and Children Hospital of Philadelphia. Read more

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The Story of a Syrian Father and his Two Sons who Fell Victims in New Zealand’s Terrorist Attack

The Story of a Syrian Father and his Two Sons who Fell Victims in New Zealand’s Terrorist Attack

The Story of a Syrian Father and his Two Sons who Fell Victims in New Zealand’s Terrorist Attack


Saturday 16th March 2019

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الشركس هم أمة واحدة ويجب أن يكون لهم اسم واحد، كما يقول العلماء والناشطون

الخميس  14 مارس/آذار 2019

الشركس هم أمة واحدة ويجب أن يكون لهم اسم واحد، كما يقول العلماء والناشطون

بول غوبل (Paul Goble)

ترجمة: عادل بشقوي

14 مارس/آذار 2019

            ستاونتون، 13 مارس/آذار  زاد عدد الأشخاص الذين يضيفون أصواتهم إلى حملة أولئك الذين قسَّمهُم السوفييت إلى أديغه (Adygeys) وقباردى (Kabardins) وشابسوغ (Shapsugs) لاستعادة اسمهم المعروف شركس (أديغه) ليس فقط لتجنب الخلط ولكن لأن الشراكسة هم أمة واحدة، سواء كانوا يعيشون داخل الحدود الحالية لروسيا أم لا، ويجب أن يكون لهم اسم واحد.

            وتستقصي وكالة كافكاز أوزيل (Kavkaz Uzel) الإخبارية اليوم ستة خبراء حول هذا الوضع. وتُمثل تعليقاتهم أفضل مناقشة لهذه المسائل باختصار (kavkazuzel.eu/articles/332833/ ؛ و راجع: windowoneurasia2.blogspot.com/2019/03/callforcircassiansubgroupsto.html). Read more

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Circassians are One Nation and Must have One Name, Scholars and Activists Say

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Circassians are One Nation and Must have One Name, Scholars and Activists Say

Paul Goble

            Staunton, March 13 – Ever more people are adding their voices to the campaign for those whom the Soviets divided into Adygeys, Kabardins, and Shapsugs to reclaim their common name as Circassians (Adygs) not only to avoid confusion but because the Circassians are one nation, whether they live within the current borders of Russia, or not and must have one name.

            The Kavkaz Uzel news agency today surveys six experts about this situation. Their comments represent the best discussion of these issues in short compass (kavkaz-uzel.eu/articles/332833/; cf. windowoneurasia2.blogspot.com/2019/03/call-for-circassian-subgroups-to.html). Read more

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