Russia Goes from Revolution to Revolution as a Result of Uncontrolled Bureaucratization, Milin Says

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Russia Goes from Revolution to Revolution as a Result of Uncontrolled Bureaucratization, Milin Says

Paul Goble

            Staunton, October 9 – “The problem of the Russian Empire/USSR/Russian Federation,” Dmitry Milin says, “lies in the periodic dominance of an uncontrolled bureaucracy which lives according to Parkinson’s law” and thus leads the country into one dead end after another which it can escape only by revolutions.

            While European countries have learned to control the bureaucracy by the regular change in those in power, the Russian blogger says, and thus have prevented the bureaucracy from leading to the collapse of their economies and societies, “Russia has not yet learned how to do that” ( Read more

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