بين قنصل الإمبراطورية وسفير الفيدرالية / الدعاية الروسية ضد الشركس لا تُفَوِّت فرصة

بين قنصل الإمبراطورية وسفير الفيدرالية / الدعاية الروسية ضد الشركس لا تُفَوِّت فرصة

عادل بشقوي

31 مايو/أيار 2020

2E9BC6C1-3FC3-4C20-BA4E-03C897C172C9 (1) Read more

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Between Empire’s Consul and Federation’s Ambassador / Russian Propaganda Against Circassians Never Missed an Opportunity

Between Empire’s Consul and Federation’s Ambassador / Russian Propaganda Against Circassians Never Missed an Opportunity

Between Empire’s Consul and Federation’s Ambassador / Russian Propaganda Against Circassians Never Missed an Opportunity

Adel Bashqawi

31 May, 2020

2E9BC6C1-3FC3-4C20-BA4E-03C897C172C9 (1) Read more

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Press Release: The Circassians: Past, Present and Future – In Remembrance of Paul Henze and Kemal Karpat

Press Release: The Circassians: Past, Present and Future – In Remembrance of Paul Henze and Kemal Karpat

Press Release: The Circassians: Past, Present and Future – In Remembrance of Paul Henze and Kemal Karpat

A picture of Paul B. Henze, Jamestown President Glen Howard and Kemal Karpat (farthest to the left, second to the left, and third from the right, respectively) at Jamestown's 2007 event, "The Circassians: Past, Present, and Future"; Kemal Karpat; Paul B. Henze.
A picture of Paul B. Henze, Jamestown President Glen Howard and Kemal Karpat (farthest to the left, second to the left, and third from the right, respectively) at Jamestown’s 2007 event, “The Circassians: Past, Present, and Future”; Kemal Karpat; Paul B. Henze.

On May 21, 2007, a day regarded as Circassian Memorial Day by the Circassian Diaspora, the Jamestown Foundation hosted a one day conference entitled: The Circassians: Past, Present, and Future.  Participating in that event were some of the world’s leading experts on the North Caucasus – including two giants of the field – Paul B. Henze (1924-2011) and Kemal Karpat (1923-2019).   Both were visionary scholars and policy experts who worked with The Jamestown Foundation to elevate the history of the Circassians. In memory of Henze and Karpat, and in honor of the Circassian Memorial Day, Jamestown would like to draw your attention to their past work and contributions to the field. Read more

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“The North Caucasus Barrier: Circassian Resistance to Russia”

“The North Caucasus Barrier: Circassian Resistance to Russia”

“The North Caucasus Barrier: Circassian Resistance to Russia”

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«Тот факт, что в некоторых национальных регионах представители коренного народа составляют меньшинство – является следствием завоеваний и этнических чисток»

«Тот факт, что в некоторых национальных регионах представители коренного народа составляют меньшинство – является следствием завоеваний и этнических чисток»


Газета “Комсомольская правда” на Северном Кавказе” опубликовала статью известного русского националиста Егора Холмогорова  «Россию ожидает второй круг распада, если не упразднить автономии и республики» ,которая была через несколько дней удалена. Она была  опубликована на сайте  «Натпресс». В своей статье Холмогоров заявляет ,что нужно ликвидировать республики входящие в состав России и начать это  процесс с упразднения  республик, в которых  русскоязычное население является большинством. Группа представителей общественности Кабардино-Балкарии, Адыгеи и и израильский политолог Авраам Шмулевич выступили с обращением к главам КБР, КЧР, Адыгеи  и прокурорам  этих республик с требованием   «… официального признания, что приведённые в статье мнения идут в разрез с политикой государственных властей РФ и противоречат конституционным основам российской государственности…»

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Kabardina-Balkarya Cumhuriyeti Başkanı Valery Kukov’un Rus-Kafkas Savaşı’nın sona ermesinin 130. yıldönümü konuşması Mayıs1994

Kabardina-Balkarya Cumhuriyeti Başkanı Valery Kukov’un Rus-Kafkas Savaşı’nın sona ermesinin 130. yıldönümü konuşması Mayıs1994


Ulusal hafızayı canlandırmak ve geçmişin olaylarını ve tarihini hatırlamak için Mayıs ayında bugün bir araya geldik. Bu üzücü durum – uzun süren Kafkas savaşının sona ermesinin ve Çerkes varlığının tehlikeye girdiği 130.  Yıldönümü, Milleti geride bırakan trajedinin nedenlerini ve gelecekte tekrarını nasıl önleyebileceğimizi anlamak için bir kez daha halkımızın tarihindeki ve hatta tüm insanlığın kara sayfalarını hatırlamamızı sağlar ve bu şekilde tarihsel hatalar düzeltilir. Ancak tarih sadece kimin öğrenmek istediğini bilir ve geçmişe tekrar tekrar dönmeliyiz çünkü günümüzdeki olayların çoğunun uzak geçmişte olanlarla açık bir ilişkisi olduğuna inanıyoruz. Read more

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Speech of Former President of Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, Valery Kukov on the 130th Commemoration of the End of the Russo-Caucasian War / 1994

Speech of Former President of Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, Valery Kukov on the 130th Commemoration of the End of the Russo-Caucasian War / 1994

27 May 2020

We have met on this day of the month of May, to revive national memory and recall the events of the past and the judgment of history. This sad occasion – the 130th anniversary of the end of the prolonged Caucasian war and by which the Circassian presence became vulnerable, it makes us remember once again the black pages in the history of our people and even all mankind in order to understand the causes of the tragedy that befell the nation and how we can prevent its recurrence in the future, and in this way, historical errors will be corrected. But history doesn’t teach, except who wants to learn, and we must go back to the past again and again because we believe that many of today’s phenomena have a clear relationship to what happened in the distant past. Read more

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