FSB Confiscates Printrun of New Book on Stalin’s Deportation of Finns and Norwegians

Friday, December 25, 2020

FSB Confiscates Printrun of New Book on Stalin’s Deportation of Finns and Norwegians

Paul Goble

Staunton, December 23 – One of the most obscure aspects of Stalin’s rule was his deportation of Finns and Norwegians in 1940 away from the Soviet border and the destruction of most of them in the GULAG. Few studies have been prepared on this act of genocide, and Putin’s FSB wants to keep it that way.

Officers of the Russian security service have just confiscated the printrun of a new book by Agnessa Khaykara, the descendant of some of the Finns who suffered this fate, supposedly because she misused a grant given out by the regional authorities in the Russian Federation (novayagazeta.ru/articles/2020/12/23/88496-chekisty-uvleklis-chteniem). Read more

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Paul Goble’s 42 Windows on Eurasia for Dec. 21-26, 2020

Paul Goble’s 42 Windows on Eurasia for Dec. 21-26, 2020   

1.      Pandemic Beginning to Exacerbate Class Tensions in Russia


2.      Rostov Scholar Says Russian Political Scientists Must Adopt Critical Stance toward the State


3.      No Longer Any Doubt that FSB has Officers Who Carry Out Political Murders for Kremlin, Guriyev Says

windowoneurasia2.blogspot.com/2020/12/no-longer-any-doubt-that-fsb-has.html Read more

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Treaty of Adrianople Between a Crumbling Empire and a Grasping One

Treaty of Adrianople Between a Crumbling Empire and a Grasping One

Treaty of Adrianople Between a Crumbling Empire and a Grasping One

By: Adel Bashqawi

V International Session

The Circassian Cultural Center, Tbilisi

24 December 2020



The weakness and subsequent disintegration of the Ottoman Empire created favorable conditions for the Russian Empire to achieve its colonial goals. The Russian policies were aimed at controlling vast geographical areas in various regions such as the Caucasus, although some of these areas were not parts or colonies of the Ottoman Empire. That started with the hegemonic powers conspired to conclude treaties and agreements in the absence of the real stakeholders. Therefore, the Russian invaders caused multiple calamities to tens of  indigenous peoples and nations such as Circassian nation, which were exposed to the most unmatched oppressive conditions in the history of Mankind. Read more

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Defense Witnesses Again Show Falsity of Charges against Circassian Activist, Memorial Says

Monday, December 21, 2020

Defense Witnesses Again Show Falsity of Charges against Circassian Activist, Memorial Says

Paul Goble

            Staunton, December 19 — At the latest session of the trial of Circassian activist Martin Kochesokov on drug charges two days ago, the Memorial Human Rights Organization says, five defense witnesses said officials in the North Caucasus had put pressure on him for political reasons and thus supported his insistence the authorities planted the drugs and he is innocent.

            The Memorial declaration is available at https://memohrc.org/ru/news_old/sud-v-kbr-doprosil-svideteley-zashchity-po-delu-martina-kochesokova and has been reposted by a KBR human rights portal (zapravakbr.ru/index.php/30-uncategorised/1613-sud-v-kbr-doprosil-svidetelej-zashchity-po-delu-martina-kochesokova). Read more

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Paul Goble’s 42 Windows on Eurasia for Dec. 15-20, 2020

Paul Goble’s 42 Windows on Eurasia for Dec. 15-20, 2020      

1.      Putin Health Care Cutbacks Continue Even During Pandemic


2.      Russian Population Set to Decline by 600,000 or More This Year — and Not Primarily Because of Pandemic, Zhelenin Says


3.      Putin ‘Saving Pashinyan’ for Use in Renewed Great Game in the Caucasus, Tarasov Says

windowoneurasia2.blogspot.com/2020/12/putin-saving-pashinyan-for-use-in.html  Read more

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Суд в КБР допросил свидетелей защиты по делу Мартина Кочесокова

Суд в КБР допросил свидетелей защиты по делу Мартина Кочесокова


Суд в КБР допросил свидетелей защиты по делу Мартина Кочесокова


They are sure that the case against the activist is revenge for his social activities

В Урванском районном суде Кабардино-Балкарской Республики продолжилось рассмотрение уголовного дела 31-летнего главы черкесской общественной организации «Хабзэ» Мартина Кочесокова, которого обвиняют в приобретении и хранении 263 граммов марихуаны (ч. 2 ст. 228 УК). Кочесоков утверждает, что невиновен и подписал признательные показания, потому что ему угрожали пытками. На заседании 17 декабря допросили пятерых свидетелей защиты. Они рассказали, что накануне задержания Кочесокова, представители власти оказывали на него давление из-за его активной гражданской позиции. Read more

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Paul Goble’s 42 Windows on Eurasia for Dec. 9-14, 2020

Paul Goble’s 42 Windows on Eurasia for Dec. 9-14, 2020    

1.      Moscow Seeks to Stop St. Petersburg Resistance to New Year’s Restrictions Before It Spreads


2.      Ingush Protester has Three Questions for Putin


3.      Only Way Armenia Can Take Revenge for Loss of Qarabagh is to Become Part of a Russian Union State, Latvian Analyst Says  Read more

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