KC:Top Russian Terrorist Hinted At Forthcoming CyberTerrorist Attack 10 Days Ago

From: Eagle_wng

Top Russian Terrorist Hinted At Forthcoming Cyber-Terrorist Attack 10 Days Ago
Publication time: 27 September 2006, 17:21

War criminal Gryzlov, the former Russian “interior minister” who now operates under the guise of  a so called “Russian parliament speaker ” said September 17 “more vigorous efforts must be made to fight cyber- terrorism”.

“The terrorists have been using the Internet to organize terrorist attacks and to disseminate terror propaganda,” the criminal told the G8 countries’ parliamentary speakers in St.Petersburg.

10 days later, Russian cyber-terrorists from the Russian secret police of the FSB (former KGB) started their DOS attacks against the providers of the Kavkaz Center news agency.


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