Adygeanatpress: “Unused Chance” Or Ridiculous Disinformation

“Unused chance” or ridiculous disinformation

Natpress: On the web site of the federal newspaper “Gazeta” article “Unused chance” written by certain Madina Shevlohova was published. According to Natpress, that lady is going to visit Maykop before Kozak’s arrival there. Situation she would see there is rather difficult to predict; that is not main thing anyway. However, read the article on your own – together with the comments, and then make your conclusions.

The Adygeya president will leave his official post three months prior to expiry of the term of his powers.

The plenipotentiary of the president in the Southern federal district Dmitry Kozak on October, 2nd arrives to Maykop. The officially declared purpose of the visit is working meetings with deputies and the public men if the republic. However according to “Gazeta”, the main task of the consultations is discussion of the nominee of successor of the operating Adygeya president Khazret Sovmen. On results of the meetings Dmitry Kozak should suggest the president of the republic to leave the post ahead of schedule. (According to “Gazeta”, the head of Adygeya at present is in Switzerland.)

Natpress: How could the author ever know, what Kozak will offer? The second – Sovmen is rather often in Switzerland, but at present he is in Sochi at an economic forum.

Khazret Sovmen is one of few regional leaders who is indifferent to activities of “United Russia” though he is registered in the party. Powers of the Adygeya president expire in the beginning of January, 2007. But hardly he would finish up to the end of the term. “Gazeta” had already informed that Sovmen’s position was rather shaky and he would have kept his post only on the certain conditions – for example, attraction of investments of the foreign Circassian Diaspora (see the newspaper’s number from April, 19th).

Natpress: Sovmen is a member of the supreme council of that party – in its most important supervising body across Russia. Alexander Tkachev, the governor of Krasnodar territory is not its member, for example. The second – the president’s powers expire not in January, and in February. The third – if among those who would allow him to keep his post there was the plenipotentiary Kozak then it must be considered that Kozak is one of those who does his best to avoid investments from the foreign Circassian Diaspora into Adygeya. We accuse Sovmen just in connection with that he does not help us in this respect.

New ‘clouds’ above Sovmen were condensed on the old occasion: several days ago public organizations with the parties of the republic have written the second reference (for this year) to Vladimir Putin with sharp criticism of the Adygeyan leader and request “to take corresponding measures”.

After the first letter in March in Adygeya the crisis of authority happened. Then Sovmen persuaded Putin to give him a chance. However the public men and the local opposition (the regional organizations of “United Russia” and the Communist Party of Russian Federation) continued attacks Sovmen. Dmitry Kozak tried to resolve the situation, but unsuccessfully. Sovmen’s supporters organized an information leakage that the roots of the contradiction were ostensibly Adygeya’s integration with Krasnodar territory against which the Adygeya president acted. Kozak’s team denied the data on the regular basis and declared that there was not the question on the subjects’ integration in the agenda.

Natpress: the first letter had been signed in August, instead of March. And the crisis broke down after a phone call when Kozak offered Sovmen to leave the post. Next thing – it was not Sovmen who persuaded Putin to keep the post after him, and on the contrary: Putin persuaded Sovmen to remain Adygeya president. The third thing: what was that information leakage if the case about subjects’ integration lasted over year and a half?

Nevertheless, in the republic there are some serious forces wishing such integration. First of all that is “Union of Slavs of Adygeya” led by Nina Konovalova (who, in turn, enjoys considerable support in Moscow – for example, the Communist Party of Russian Federation and “Rodina (Native land)”). Everybody should consider Konovalova’s position, including to leaders of the public organization “Adyghe Khase” and Sovmen himself.

Natpress: How is it possible to ignore a thing that really exists?

Konovalova’s arguments as well as her supporters’ reasons are still the same – integration into Kuban would help the republic to overcome the economic recession. The other reason is that such integration would make the control system more transparent and effective, would guarantee more reliably the rights of the ethnic Russians, the majority (nearby 70 percent of the republican population), but thus they were superseded from the political life in Adygeya.

Natpress: For example, Konovalova is not ‘suspended’ as she is a deputy of the republican parliament since the beginning of its creation. The other thing is that the same ‘all-seasons’ deputy and her devoted supporter Vladimir Karataev was ‘suspended’ because he lost in the elections.

Sovmen repeatedly declared that he was ready to leave as soon as there would be worthy successor. The head of the republic named as his successor the businessman Murat Kudaev, but several days ago unknown persons had shot him dead not right in the center of Maykop town.

Natpress: Murat Kudaev was killed not in the centre of Maykop town but 100 km away from it in a field, at the entrance to his native aul Adamiy. Besides, he wasn’t a businessman and the head of Krasnogvardeysky area administration.

Now Sovmen has two his candidates for successors – the head of the presidential administration of the republic Taly Beretar and the minister of health Adam Zhane. If Dmitry Kozak found necessary to meet with Sovmen, the operating Adygeya leader would have to use many forces to convince the Kremlin representative to offer Vladimir Putin T. Beretar. The matter is that Kozak has his candidNatpress: Taly Beretar was never referred as a successor. Neither was Adam Zhane. But they referred Asker Zhane. They are brothers, but nevertheless different people. Second – not “if Dmitry Kozak find necessary” and if Beretar manage to persuade Sovmen to meet with Kozak. In fact Sovmen has ‘strong’ character. And as a whole if they do not meet there will be a political scandal. Of huge scale. ate – the vice-governor of Krasnodar territory Murat Ahedjak.

Natpress: Taly Beretar was never referred as a successor. Neither was Adam Zhane. But they referred Asker Zhane. They are brothers, but nevertheless different people. Second – not “if Dmitry Kozak find necessary” and if Beretar manage to persuade Sovmen to meet with Kozak. In fact Sovmen has ‘strong’ character. And as a whole if they do not meet there will be a political scandal. Of huge scale.

Aslan Shazzo, Natpress

Permanent address of the article “Unused chance” in the Internet is //2006/09/28/213015.html


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