KC: Russian Parliament Threatens West With Other Political Murders

From: Eagle_wng

Russian Parliament Threatens West With Other Political Murders
Publication time: 24 November 2006, 08:17
The Head of the Russian Parliament State Security  Committee, Vladimir Vasiliev, said on Thursday, November 23, 2006, that  “the time is ripe for the Parliament to adopt a resolution with regard to a punishment of organizers of  an attempt to involve Russia in the case of the poisoning of the ex FSB officer Alexander Litvinenko”, according to reports from several Russian news agencies.

No Western correspondent in Moscow reported about these threats against the  West. The Security Commitee of the Russian Parliament is a body responsible for the activity of Russian secret services, such as the FSB, the SVR and the GRU.

The Committee needs a law or a resolution from the Russian Parliament, so that the FSB could start with killings of Western journalists in the West that gave “wrong” coverage, from the Russian goverment’s point of view, of Mr Litvinenko’s poisoning.

Earlier this year, the Russian Parliament adopted a law enpowering Russian secret services to carry out political murders outside the Russian territory. The law  legalized the FSB fatal poisoning of Mr Litvinenko in London.



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