Natpress: Adygeya customhouse’s chief calls to refuse political estimations…

Adygeya Customhouse’s Chief Calls To Refuse Political Estimations Of His Department’s Liquidation

The chief of the Adygeya republican customhouse Jury Bljagoz considers that the situation around of the order on liquidation of the department he headed should not be explained with some political reasons. He declared it in the conversation with IА REGNUM correspondent. As he said, he read information in press and was grateful to people who showed their sincere sympathy, but at the same time he called for careful selectivity in the forms of such support.

In his opinion, parameters of the work of the customhouse have been already the convincing argument for its protection. 203,7 million rubles the customhouse transferred to the federal budget for 11 months of this year made 146 percent of the level of the similar period of the last year or 135 percent of the sum for 2005. The employees of the customhouse, participating in the professional competitions, always come back with prize-winning places. The same can be said about the special dog-training service.

From his part the head of the customhouse addressed to the speaker of the State Soviet-Khase of Adygeya Ruslan Hadjebiekov, to the head of the republican Cabinet Kazbek Paranuk as he did not lose his hope that the situation could be changed.

The co-chairman of the republican public organization “Khabza” Askerby Namitokov, speaking about the order on the customhouse, mentioned that the document would be difficult to not name political and to not connect it with the recent attempts of the republic’s liquidation. The point is not just that the customhouse transferred 203,7 million rubles to the budget though that figure for the republic is rather considerable. With the customhouse’s closing from the republic many enterprises ‘will leave’ where they are. Therefore, if it was not a political action, than at least, anti-economic.

Let’s remind: the order on liquidation of Adygeya customhouse was promulgated on November 30th this year. It should be disbanded by February 1st, 2007.


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