NatPress: Elders Council By Adygeya President Summarized Its Activities

From: Eagle-wng

Elders Council by Adygeya President summarized its activities

The Elders Council by the Adygeya President summarized its public activities for 2007. At the session of the council there were present: the president of Adygeya Republic Aslan Tkhakushinov, the prime minister of Adygeya Republic Vladimir Samozhenkov, the head of the Adygeya President and the Cabinet of Ministers of Adygeya Republic Administration Egor Goriajnov, representatives of the ministries and the state departments of the republic.

Having greeted the elders, the leader of the republic underlined the importance of the activities of the Council in the sphere of the patriotic and moral education of the young generation. Aslan Tkhakushinov expressed his special hope for the help of the senior generation during the forthcoming elections of the President of Russian Federation.

At the session the basic results of the activities of the Elders Council for the last year and the tasks in the ideological – moral education of citizens of the republic for this year were sounded. At the same time, the members of the council focused the attention of the leader of the republic on problems connected to the medicine provision of the hospitals, updating of the book fund of the rural libraries, repairing of the rural houses of culture and clubs. Corresponding explanations the elders received right then and there. The minister of public health services of Adygeya Republic Muhammed Borsov stated that the medicinal problem had been already solved, and the questions connected to it had had appeared because of some slowness of the medicine suppliers during the New Year’s holidays.

The other questions were answered by the Minister of culture of Adygeya Republic Adam Tletseri. He said that the means for purchase of the books had been already allocated, and the library fund of children’s regional libraries would have been updated. According to the developed federal program, equipping and repairing of the rural clubs and houses of culture would be implemented. In connection to that question necessary arrangement with the Minister of culture of Russian Federation Alexander Sokolov had been achieved on one of the Adygeya Republic’s days organized in Moscow.

At the end of the session Aslan Tkhakushinov handed memorable gifts to the members of the Elders Council by the President of Adygeya Republic.


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