KC: Kadyrovite Apostates Have Found The Mujahideen

Kadyrovite Apostates Have Found the Mujahideen

Publication time: 29 November 2008, 18:31

Several days ago leader of Chechen apostates Kadyrov announced that he personally searched for Mujahideen in forests of Nozhay-Yurt district, but could not find any. Kadyrov said that he could not find “even footsteps” of the Mujahideen. So the murtadd declared that “there are no militants left in Chechnya”.

Meanwhile, Kavkaz Center learned that mobile units of Mujahideen of the Eastern Front of the Armed Forces of the Emirate of Caucasus (commander amir Aslambek), whose zone of responsibility includes Nozhay-Yurt district of Wilayah Nokhchicho (Ichkeria), tried to encounter the apostates after receiving intelligence information about Kadyrov’s possible ramble, but did not suceed.

KC has received a video (soon to be released on the web) showing amir Aslambek, amir Huseyn and the Mujahideen complaining that they were not able to meet Kadyrov on a forest path, but promising that such meeting will certainly occur.

The video also shows youth from Khosi-Yurt village, a den Kadyrovites, joining the Mujahideen.

Meanwhile, Kadyrovite apostates ultimately managed to find the Mujahideen, but it is unlikely they were glad they did.

One Chechen policeman was killed, five more wounded in Nozhay-Yurt district of Wilayah Nokhchicho Friday morning after being attacked by a group of 30-fighter-strong Mujahideen unit in a forest 2 km from Simsir village, a member of pro-Russian Chechen security forces told RIA Novosti.

But Kavkaz Center learned that casualties among the apostates were much higher. 40-Mujahideen-strong unit ambushed a group of 300 armed apostates, killing 15 Kadyrovites and wounding many others. The Kadyrovites quickly retreated, requesting air support from kuffar. Saturday morning Russian aircraft and artillery were still shelling areas near Simsir. There were no reports of Mujahideen casualties.


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