KC: Military Junta May Replace KGB Junta In Russia

Publication time: 27 December 2011, 02:15

An Ukrainian political analyst Viktor Kalashnikov published on information portalZahid an article with a warning of a danger of a military coup after the overthrow of Putin’s KGB junta by Democratic forces.

A few days ago, former Putin’s adviser Illarionov, now living in Washington DC, also told an interview to a Russian radio station about a possibility of a military coup in Russia.


Viktor Kalashnikov wrote:
“Neither Putin nor Medvedev conceived and developed the plans for wars against Chechnya and Georgia, for military and political intrigues in the Middle East or for a new confrontation with the NATO. It is absolutely clear that neither they nor their immediate circle are the authors of this entire global strategy.
The author is the Russian General Staff, together with supporting institutions. And what this militaristic country does at present and in the last ten years started a long time. It was deployed in full force and effect under Stalin, when the personality of the leader played a really generating and controlling role, and were it for his will, it would last for a very long time. Russia is rich in resources, and in the era of “asymmetrical warfare”, it doesn’t need much manpower.

But what happens if such person as Alexei Navalny with his penchant for unmasking the whole rotten mechanics of the Russian state and denouncing it publicly with his clear professional judgments and even with the presentation of documentary dirt on anyone comes to power?

Will he deal without conflicts with the current leaders of the General Staff, Security Council, the Ministry of Defense, the FSB, the SVR? No, he will not (we think he will, because he is a nationalist – KC). They cannot share the power together.

Foreign policy preferences and the orientation of the leaders of current rallies in Russia are largely unknown, even of the most democratic among them (they are all Russian imperialists, they never protested against Russian aggression against Georgia in 2008 – KC). But if things go well in Russia, i.e., if there is no military coup, then there could be a fight between a new democratic government and various generals and the whole quickly spreading, self-confident and terrible inertial colossus of Russian imperialism. This confrontation cannot ne avoided by new leaders and democratic social forces who support them. And here begins the most important and crucial moment in Russian history….”.

Department of Monitoring
Kavkaz Center


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