Մոռացված քաղաքակրթություն / Forgotten civilization

Հետաքրքիր լուրեր ու փաստեր աշխարհից

2 July 2021

Forgotten civilization.

Forgotten civilization. The legendary Circassian Prince Inal the Great.
Like many nations, the people of Cherkez also had historical black faces. The legendary king of Cherkez, Inal, was a significant face, especially in the fact that he was the unite of three countries, Cherkezia, Abkhazia and Abaznina.
Inal is considered the forefather of several tribal government families (cabardians, beslens, etc.). He is referred to as an ideal master who has long and wisely led the Cherkese tribes. He has implemented administrative reforms and divided his property into 4 counties. He is a leader. Imported the institute of forty judges and tried to bring Cherkese tribes together. Sadly after his death, Cherkezia is again divided into separate feodal authorities.
According to some information, Inal was blind from one eye and therefore also acquired the Inal Blind nickname.
Inali management period counts from 1427 to 1453 Died in 1458 but the funeral site is unknown.


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