The “Circassian Question”

The “Circassian Question”

The “Circassian Question”



Prepared by: Adel Bashqawi

May, 2014

The commemoration of 150 years of the end of the Tsarist Russian-Circassian War, and all the accompanied negative consequences, particularly the Circassian Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing followed by forced Deportation of the Circassian nation, calls that a light should be shed on some of the facts and events linked with the different issues of the Circassian Genocide.

Circassia is located in Southeastern Europe, in the historical region of the Northwestern part of the Caucasus Mountains, on the Northeastern coast of the Black Sea (1). The Circassian civilization and culture of the North Western Caucasus had existed for more than 6000 years of continuous positive contribution to humanity that enhanced and enriched the human civilizations through thousands of years (65). It is situated in a strategic location within the Caucasus Plateau, which contains within its territories Mount Elbrus, the highest mountain in the European Continent with an elevation of 18,510 Feet.

Who are the Circassians? Read more

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Window on Eurasia: Sochi Countdown – The Olympiad in the North Caucasus Begins

Friday, February 7, 2014 Read more

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Circassians Worldwide are Outraged for Holding the Olympiad in Sochi

Circassians Worldwide are Outraged for Holding the Olympiad in Sochi

Adel Bashqawi

Friday, the 7th of February, 2014


Today, Friday, the 7th of February, 2014, marks the start of the Winter Olympic Games in Sochi which will include sports and other activities that will last for 14 days; but Circassians stand to mourn and condemn the sad event which is adopted and supported by the Russian state, regardless of all ethical, historical and environmental worries and concerns.

Sochi was the last capital city of Circassia, being the last Circassian stronghold during a 101-year long defensive war against the Tsarist Russian invasion, witnessed the end of the Russian-Circassian War, 150 years ago in 21, May, 1864, and the victory parade conducted by the victorious military forces, that reminds of the consequences of genocide, destruction and forced deportation from the Port of Sochi to the Ottoman Empire, which the entire Circassian nation was subjected to.

The Circassians in Jordan, being part of the worldwide Circassians are planning for a peaceful and nonviolent  demonstration to stand in a moment of mourning in front of the Russian Embassy in Amman, Jordan from 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM, in a protest for the unacceptable non-observance of human feelings,  in participation of other Circassians at homeland in the North Caucasus, and in Diaspora to observe this evil event, in condemnation for the improperly uncalculated step which is not taken purely for sports and athletics reasons, but to celebrate improper results that included and was not limited to  total occupation of Circassia.

Circassians and their friends in the world are intending to show their outrage and rejection to hold the Olympiad on a genocide soil that includes mass cemeteries and graves of Circassians and aim to ascertain that this action doesn’t reflect the Olympic spirit as such.

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Window on Eurasia: Sochi Countdown – One Week to the Olympiad in the North Caucasus

Friday, January 31, 2014 Read more

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Window on Eurasia: Sochi Countdown – 2 Weeks to the Olympiad in the North Caucasus

Friday, January 24, 2014 Read more

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119 Days to the Circassian Genocide 150th year Commemoration

119 Days to the Circassian Genocide 150th year Commemoration

Document # 79

423. from Major General Raevsky to Vorontsov

From May 25, 1840 No. 69 – page 489.

“… I am the opposite of what is prevalent, I ventured and asked a question in St.Pittsburg which concludes that preventing salt trading with the mountaineers will hamper their suppression, and will encourage smuggling and strengthens the impact of Turkey, and other than that, it compels mountaineers to search for ways to survive independently from Russia .. . When there where salt trade-offs with the mountaineers previously, they did not make any hostile attempts. Novo – Troyitske is living proofs of how far can those peaceful relations go through trade with the mountaineers and how much we can improve the situation of the garrisons along the entire east coast.

I found approximately 20 cows in Novo – Troyitske, enough to feed garrison fresh meat for more than six months… The mountaineers purchase used shirts from our soldiers at high prices. And our enemies the Ubykh, who do not deal with us in trade, are infiltrating our forts risking their lives taking out the bodies of our soldiers just to take their shirts and shrouds….”

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Window on Eurasia: Upsurge in Terrorism in Russia ‘Not Just about Sochi’ and Won’t End with Olympiad, Analyst Says

Monday, January 20, 2014 Read more

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