Monday, December 19, 2022
Moscow and Its Agents in KBR Shift from Ignoring Activists to Repressing and Silencing Them, Khakuasheva Says
Paul Goble
Staunton, Dec. 19 – Over the last decade, Moscow and its representatives in Kabardino-Balkaria have shifted from ignoring those who call attention to the threats to the native languages to harassing and repressing them in the hopes of silencing them and keeping others from finding out what is going one, Madina Khakuasheva says.
The senior scholar at the Institute for Research on the Humanities of the KBR Center of the Russian Academy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, an institution that itself has been under serious attack ( is one of the most distinguished of those now subject to such repressive actions.
In an open letter to senior officials in her republic, Khakuasheva asks for them to intervene on her behalf to protect her from the illegal and entirely unwarranted actions of the FSB and anti-extremism agencies against her ( Read more