Paul Goble’s 50 Windows on Eurasia / July 9, 2023

Paul Goble’s 50 Windows on Eurasia / July 9, 2023

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OSCE’s Parliamentary Assembly Declares Russia a Colonial Empire

OSCE’s Parliamentary Assembly Declares Russia a Colonial Empire

Sunday, July 9, 2023

OSCE’s Parliamentary Assembly Declares Russia a Colonial Empire

Paul Goble

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From the President General (KAFFED)

Kafkas Dernekleri Federasyonu (KAFFED)
From the President General
Lately, many groups, persons or formations outside Turkey, have been declaring new exits, calls or actions and bringing out different ultimate objectives, especially in the context of the Russia-Ukraine war. Although there are many information and position-assessment statements that we have made earlier as a federation, in the current situation, we have been shown as if we are associated with the formations that we are not part of by mentioning our names, and we are tried to be shown as a side of actions and statements that we are not a party (maliciously and deliberately), we have not been tried to be shown by malicious people you can lean on the circumcision Since we are observing that we are being criminalized with the intent of disinformation, we need to make this statement.

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