KC: Something Is Wrong With Putin. He Now looks As A Mongol

Publication time: 5 August 2011, 23:33


After the publication of Putin’s photos at a pro-Kremlin youth forum in a summer camp on Lake Seligerin the Russian Tver Region , 350 km north of Moscow, discussions about a strange unrecognizable face of the Russian leader erupted on Russian Internet blogs.

Many Russians state that Putin now looks lost and has a strange Mongolian-type eye shape.

“Putin is a Mongol!”, says a young Democratic opposition leader Roman Dobrokhotov who is also known in the West. Seeeing a close-up photo of laughing Putin with swollen face and two narrow slits as eyelids, Mr. Dobrokhotov writes: “Botox is evil. A little more and he would have to hide his face behind a handkerchief, like Michael Jackson did”.

“He obviously has problems, he seems to be seriously ill, his face is pinched, unhealthy and vacant”,  says Moscow writer and another Democratic opposition leader Eduard Limonov, double Russian and French citizen, who spent years in political exile in America and later in France during the Communist rule.

Department of Monitoring

Kavkaz Center


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