Conditions of Announced Competition on the Memorial in Remembrance of the Victims of Circassians (Adygues) Genocide
- 1. The Conceptual Part of the Competition
In the period of the Russian-Caucasian War (1763-1864), the colonial policy of the Russian Empire resulted in the ethnic cleansing of Circassian (Adyghian) people. The political and military leadership of the empire planned far in advance and then accomplished at first the devastation of the Circassian territories and then, in the desolated places, purposeful settlement of other ethnic groups.
It is recognized fact that in a result of numerous punishing military expeditions, 90% of Circassian (Adyghian) population was physically destroyed, or deported from their homeland.
Numerous official documents of the Russian Empire confirm the offensive acts of the Empire military units during the Russian-Caucasian War, particularly, non-natural starvations and epidemics, aiming physical annihilation of the peaceful population – representatives of Circassian origin.
The history of the latest period of the humanity knows quite many cases of the nations’ genocide, but the case of the Circassian (Adyghian) genocide is completely different, for as distinguished from others, Circassians (Adyghians), together with two third of their population lost their homeland and so occurred scattered in more than 50 countries of the world.
On May 20, 2011 Georgian Parliament officially recognized the fact of Circassian (Adyghian) people’s genocide by the Russian Empire, which was followed by the corresponding N1446, 12 July, 2011 Decree of Georgian Government. According to the mentioned Decree, the competition will be announced on building the memorial for immortalization of the memory of victims of the genocide. The memorial will be placed in the city Anaklia, that means in the place, where in 19 century, Circassian (Adyghian) habitants’ numerous flows passed through from their homeland during their deportation to the Ottoman Empire.
Competition Rules and Conditions:
- The memorial project due to its spatial composition and scale should not be ,,chambered’’. The points of the perception should be chosen foreseeing planning status of the square; While choosing the composition, surrounding areas should be taken into account; The project drafts should be solved by a free design, due to sculptural-architectural synthesis and contemporary designing. The touch of performing graphic materials is free.
- b. Material, used for creating memorial should be indicated in the competition participant’s explanatory letter;
- The competition participants are free from selecting materials, used for creating composition;
- Professional sculptors, architects, painters, as well as specialists without diploma, involved in the process, while presenting group projects may take part in the competition.
- The competition will be held in one round. The competition will be considered to be successfully held in case of submission of at least 2 projects. Otherwise the jury members will decide to annul the competition. The competition is considered wrecked also in case, if the commission can not identify the winner.
3. Competition Prize
Money rewards for the competition winners are established for the authors, or groups of authors of the project:
A. first place winner – 10 000 US dollar’s equivalent in GEL;
B. second place winner – 3000 US dollar’s equivalent in GEL;
C. Third place winner – 1000 US dollar’s equivalent in GEL.
- 4. The competition participants will be provided with:
- information on the competition terms and conditions;
- Situational plan of the territory, chosen for the memorial, scale 1:500;
- Photo material of the build environment;
- information about Circassians (Adyghians) genocide.
Information may be sent in the electronic version.
5. The competition participants should submit the following competition materials:
A. letter of motivation (not more than 3 pages), the project conception should be concluded in the explanatory letter. It should be distinctly stated as well in which material the memorial will be created.
B. Situational plan of the territory, scale-1:500;
C. Memorial plan, scale 1:100 or 1:200;
D. Memorial model, scale 1:20;
E. Spreads, photomontage, or sketcking;
F. Proportional distribution of premium, approved by the authors’ signatures.
G. Form of request on participation in the competition (author’s/authors’ name, surname, address, contact information should be noted in the form of request; In the form of request author/authors should confirm that they are informed on the terms and conditions of the competition and agree with it).
The abovementioned documents should be submitted within a sealed envelope (author’s/authors’ personality, full name/full names, address, telephone number, email address, or other contact details should be indicated on the sealed envelope, approved by the authors’ signatures ). Materials can be submitted in electronic (CD) version, in ArchiCAT, or AutoCAT program;
All the expenses, regarding submitting the abovementioned materials should be covered by the Project’s author/ authors.
6. Calendar plan for holding the competition
A. The competition participants can receive the competition materials in the Office of State Minister of Georgia on Diaspora Issues, from September 12, 2011, every day, from 11:00 till 17:00,except Saturdays and Sundays.
B. Competition project materials will be accepted in the Office of State Minister of Georgia on Diaspora Issues on 15 November, from 12:00 till 15:00, 2011. Delaying delivery of the competition projects and materials, after indicated time, won’t be accepted. The winner project and author/authors will be announced on November 25, 2011.
C. The monitoring of performing the competition is executed by the Office of State Minister of Georgia on Diaspora Issues and the members of the commission.
7. Participants’ literary property:
A. prizewinner projects pass in the property of the competition organizers. As for the projects, which are not awarded and competition materials will be returned to the authors within the following 10 days after announcement of the competition results.
B. Participants’ literary property is regulated by the legislation.
Additional information and advisory services:
The Office of State Minister of Georgia on Diaspora Issues
Tel: +995 32 2180535; +995 32 2368966;
Address: Tbilisi, 7 Ingorokva str.
The Information on the competition terms and conditions is available on the official website of the Office of State Minister of Georgia on Diaspora Issues: