In the Footsteps of Sykes-Picot Agreement Consequences / When the Student Outshines the Master — Part 1
By: Adel Bashqawi
10 November, 2020

The masters of imperialism and colonialism met in the early twentieth century to draw new lines on the Ottoman Empire’s map.“The Sykes-Picot agreement is a secret agreement signed on May 16, 1916,” between “between Sir Mark Sykes and François Georges-Picot,” in the presence of false witnesses, which reflected an “(approval of the Russian Empire and the Kingdom of Italy).” (
The agreement, which was articulated in the absence of peoples concerned, states the consent of the parties to draw the lines for dismembering the Ottoman Empire’s map “to divide the Middle East into several zones of influence that would benefit the French and British powers. The areas that would be affected were the Black Sea, the Mediterranean Sea, the Red Sea, the Indian Ocean, and the Caspian Sea.” Negative consequences of the agreement are still there to see in many parts of the Middle East and the Caucasus region.
However, what happened in Russia later shuffled cards and scattered blueprints. “The secret agreement was finally revealed to the general public only on November 23, 1917, in an article of Izvestia and Pravda.
What happened in Russia later as a result of the Bolshevik / October Revolution had shuffled cards and scattered the plans.
Diagramming and drawing lines on the map was not meant to be accomplished to create a lasting peace for all; but quite the contrary, the task is spreading imperial concepts such as divide and conquer tactics, setting cunning plots for future national and regional conflicts
that will serve their own interests as time bombs and mines, when needed to be detonated, and the time is right to stimulate hatred and sabotage relationship.
To be continued…