Commemoration of a Criminal who is One of the Symbols of the Circassian Genocide
Adel Bashqawi
July 18, 2024
In this presentation, it is useful to point out some examples of the bloody hostility that the Russian state has continuously practiced against the Circassian nation and continues to do since the usurpation of its homeland in the nineteenth century. Within this context, the Circassian homeland was subjected to occupation, possession, domination, and colonial arrogance over land, people, resources, and wealth. Colonial greed and ambitions targeted those whose homeland was invaded and occupied, and who were subjected by force of arms to a hateful racist colonial entity, after genocidal crimes wiped out half the population of the Circassian nation and forcibly deported 90% of the remaining half to the Ottoman Empire.
Thus, the Circassian national capacity was dismantled humanly, geographically, socially, culturally, and economically according to abhorrent racist plans. Due to limited space here, all colonial violations and transgressions will not be mentioned in this section; but what is mentioned next will reflect a clear example of the type of negative and criminal actions and activities committed in Circassia and the North Caucasus. Relatedly, there are mercenaries, settlers, and intruders who were brought into a territory that is not their original home in the northwestern Caucasus.
The Role of General Zass

Therefore, some gullible people, despite their ignorance and misguidance, wanted, after more than a century and a half, to commemorate the infamous criminal General Zass, who committed countless crimes and atrocities. Note that honoring him and commemorating his satanic memory took place in more than one place in the North Caucasus by racists and extremists, by erecting memorials that glorify the Russian atrocities committed by the leaders of the invaders and occupiers when they flexed their colonial muscles in the nineteenth century, singling out a small nation located on the shores of the Black Sea.
It is important here to take a glimpse into the background of General Zass, the notorious and animalistic man. It turns out that, “Gregory Khristoforovich von Zass (1797-1883) was a general in the Russian Empire, and he commanded the cavalry forces during the Napoleonic Wars and the Russian-Circassian War. He initially gained fame for his genocidal actions against the Circassians, whom he considered an “inferior race”… Zass founded the city of Armavir. [1] Located in Krasnodar Province, which is found on the territory of Circassia. Human civilization will never forget the heinous crimes committed by him and his gangs and mercenaries. “However, his controversial legacy remains linked to his brutal policies during the Circassian genocide.”[2]
This is to commemorate the criminal, one of the symbols of extermination and treason committed against the Circassian nation. He did not come with the invading forces of the Russian Empire to a land without people; rather, their aggressive, heavily armed forces came to the Circassian homeland and committed crimes of murder, destruction, occupation, extermination, deportation, and annexation.
The infamous murderous general, of German origin, Gregory Zass, was the first to commit a barbaric method of genocide in the nineteenth century. Zass preceded, and even surpassed, ISIS in beheading innocent people. However, he used to send them as memorial gifts and trophies to his friends. He also devised another brutal method, which was to place the decapitated heads of Circassian victims on the tips of spears and plant them on mountaintops to sow terror and horror.
During the Russian-Circassian War, Russian crimes were recorded by multiple parties. “In 1837, the former Decembrist revolutionary, Nikolai Lorer … had been sent to Circassia, a small, independent country in the north, on the shore of the Black Sea. One day, Lorer was summoned to see the regional commander, General Grigory Zass. {After entering the general’s office}, he recalled, {I was struck by some sort of intolerably offensive smell… Zass, laughing, ended our confusion by telling us that his people had no doubt placed under his bed a box with heads… he pulled out and showed us a huge chest with several heads that stared at us with horrible glassy eyes. ‘Why are they here?’ I asked. ‘I’m boiling and cleaning them and then sending them to various anatomical offices and my academic friends in Berlin.’}” [3]
“In 2003, the authorities inaugurated a monument of the notorious Russian General Grigory Zass, who was known as the {collector of Circassian skulls}.” [4]
There is a Russian-blessed businessman who, it may seem, was brought in the past to the northwestern Caucasus from abroad, has succeeded to be appreciated by the local Russian authorities. He took an unethical initiative, which was approved without hesitation by the competent Russian authorities, to establish a business firm whose name aims to harm others. It was founded in the city of Armavir, in the present-day Krasnodar Province, which is located in the Circassian homeland itself. Knowing that if the issue affects Russian policy from near or far, the founder will be in an unenviable position, as his work may lead him to prison and his project to closure. Isn’t this considered disdain against the original owners of the land? This is a behavior that may affect societal peace and mutual respect between different groups of citizens who find themselves subjects of this irresponsible regime.

The use of the name of one of the commanders and generals of the Russian Empire, “known for his horrific massacres against Circassians between 1834 and 1842, sparked great anger among the Circassian community.” The registered trademark (in Russian) under the name “General Zass” is the product of (YUGPRODSERVICE), a company operating from the city of Armavir, with commercial activities throughout the North Caucasus republics.” [5]
Although Gregory Zass invented and devised an unprecedented inhumane and even barbaric method of placing the heads of Circassian victims on the points of spears and planting them on mountaintops to terrorize those who see them, the Russian authorities are still erecting memorials to commemorate the crimes committed by this malicious individual who worked for the Russian Empire to control the North Caucasus.
The notorious General Zass is a criminal with an evil spirit, who committed countless crimes during the Russo-Circassian War. This war criminal and murderer committed countless crimes. He was one of the pillars of carrying out the mass killing of an ethnic group in the very Circassian homeland. Therefore, gaps in public opinion must be filled.
Ignorance does not lead to any positive result. Therefore, silence is of no use, as no one can hear someone who is silent. This would be willful blindness. “It is certain, in any case, that ignorance, allied with power, is the most ferocious enemy justice can have.” —James Baldwin [6]