Circassians Explained

Circassians Explained

The Circassians (Russian: Черкесы Čerkesy), also known by their endonym Adyghe (Circassian: Адыгэхэр Adygekher, Russian: Ады́ги Adýgi), are a Northwest Caucasian[17] ethnic group native to Circassia, many of whom were displaced in the course of the Russian conquest of the Caucasus in the 19th century, especially after the Russo-Circassian War in 1864. The Circassians mainly speak the Circassian languages, a Northwest Caucasian dialect continuum with three main dialects and numerous sub-dialects. Many Circassians also speak TurkishRussianEnglishArabic and Hebrew, having been exiled by Russia to lands of the Ottoman Empire, where the majority of them today live.[18] Most Circassians are Sunni Muslim.[19] Read more

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What to do with nationalism?

What to do with nationalism?

What to do with nationalism?


Interethnic battles, accompanied by the belittling of peoples who are taken to represent disputing, or even open insults to them, give rise to a sense of awkwardness and disgust in any sane person. This is especially true in cases where disputes occur between close peoples connected by kinship and spiritual ties.

It is known that the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, having witnessed such a conflict between his followers from various tribes, ordered them to leave this, saying that such a thing “stinks”. There are many other, no less harsh, statements on this subject that are often cited by Islamic preachers who are trying to keep modern Muslims involved in ethnic conflicts from such manifestations. Some go even further and, relying on such hadiths, argue that for Muslims “nationalism is haram”, because it brings enmity and division between them. Read more

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Как быть с национализмом? / Межнациональные баталии

Как быть с национализмом? / Межнациональные баталии


Межнациональные баталии, сопровождающиеся принижением народов, которые берутся представлять спорящие, а то и открытыми оскорблениями в их адрес, рождают чувство неловкости и брезгливости у любого здравомыслящего человека. Особенно это актуально в тех случаях, когда распри случаются между близкими народами, связанными родственными и духовными узами. Read more

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