Circassian Elegy About the Battle of Sarikamish – “Къарс зауэм и уэрэд”

Circassian Elegy About the Battle of Sarikamish – “Къарс зауэм и уэрэд”

Mar 31, 2023

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Paul Goble’s 50 Windows on Eurasia March 27, 2024    

Paul Goble’s 50 Windows on Eurasia March 27, 2024    

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Circassian Genocide Core ‘Part of Circassian Mentality’ Russians Must Recognize and Address, Chukhua Says

Circassian Genocide Core ‘Part of Circassian Mentality’ Russians Must Recognize and Address, Chukhua Says

Thursday, May 5, 2022

Circassian Genocide Core ‘Part of Circassian Mentality’ Russians Must Recognize and Address, Chukhua Says

Paul Goble

Caucasus Times
Caucasus Times

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Call To Stop Azerbaijan’s Acts Of Terrorism And Ethnic Cleansing Against Armenians In Artsakh

Call To Stop Azerbaijan’s Acts Of Terrorism And Ethnic Cleansing Against Armenians In Artsakh

Secretary-General of the United Nations Antonio Guterres
U.S. President Joseph Biden,
Members of the U.S. Congress,
Members of the U.S. Senate,
OSCE Chairman-in-Office Zbigniew Rau,
OSCE Secretary General Helga Maria Schmid,
President of the European Council Charles Michael,
Members of the European Council,
President of France Emmanuel Macron,
Members of the National Assembly of France Read more

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Մոռացված քաղաքակրթություն / Forgotten civilization

Մոռացված քաղաքակրթություն / Forgotten civilization

Հետաքրքիր լուրեր ու փաստեր աշխարհից
June 23, 2021


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Armenian Genocide Recognition

Armenian Genocide Recognition


The fact of the Armenian Genocide by the Ottoman government has been documented, recognized, and affirmed in the form of media and eyewitness reports, laws, resolutions, and statements by many states and international organizations. The complete catalogue of all documents categorizing the 1915-23 widespread massacre of the Armenian population in Ottoman Empire as a premeditated and thoroughly executed act of Genocide, is extensive.

Below is a brief list of those states and organizations, provincial governments and city councils which have acknowledged the Armenian Genocide Read more

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Карабахских армян массово переселяют в Абхазию: зреет новый сепаратистский план

Карабахских армян массово переселяют в Абхазию: зреет новый сепаратистский план

Karabakh Armenians are massively resettled to Abkhazia: a new separatist plan is maturing

November 9, 2020  Read more

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