Публічний діалог «Геноцид черкесів: найбільший злочин російського імперіалізму у ХІХ столітті»

Публічний діалог «Геноцид черкесів: найбільший злочин російського імперіалізму у ХІХ столітті»

Public Dialogue “Circassian Genocide: the Greatest Crime of Russian Imperialism in the 19th Century”

Публічний діалог «Геноцид черкесів: найбільший злочин російського імперіалізму у ХІХ столітті»

10 ТРАВНЯ 2024

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Speech of Chamil Albakov, Washington DC, Jamestown Foundation 16th of April 2024

Speech of Chamil Albakov, Washington DC, Jamestown Foundation 16th of April 2024

April 18, 2024

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Authored Books on Circassia

Authored Books on Circassia

Authored Books on Circassia

Adel Bashqawi

March 8, 2024

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Independence is the Basis for Circassian National Survival

Independence is the Basis for Circassian National Survival

Independence is the Basis for Circassian National Survival

Adel Bashqawi

January 28, 2024

Photo: Meeting of the confederated princes of Circassia on the bank of the Urin Edmund Spencer, Travels in Circassia, Krim-Tartary &c: including a steam voyage down the Danube from Vienna to Constantinople, and round the Black sea.


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Last Steps May Be the Hardest: Circassians on Brink of Achieving Independence

Last Steps May Be the Hardest: Circassians on Brink of Achieving Independence

Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Last Steps May Be the Hardest: Circassians on Brink of Achieving Independence

Last Steps May Be the Hardest: Circassians on Brink of Achieving Independence

Paul Goble

Window on Eurasia

Remarks prepared for the International Conference on Independent Circassia

Istanbul, August 5, 2023 Read more

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Circassia the Day After: Future Circassia

Circassia the Day After: Future Circassia

Circassia the Day After: Future Circassia

By: Adel Bashqawi

August 2, 2023

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Paul Goble’s 50 Windows on Eurasia / July 23, 2023

Paul Goble’s 50 Windows on Eurasia / July 23, 2023

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