Akhmed Zakaev, Iyad Youghar, Chamil Albakov speak at United Nations on North Caucasus

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The Russian State Must Solve This Nonsense Once and For All

The Russian State Must Solve This Nonsense Once and For All

The Russian State Must Solve This Nonsense Once and For All

Adel Bashqawi

June 24, 2024


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Intrusive Colonialism: An Outdated Relic

Intrusive Colonialism: An Outdated Relic

Intrusive Colonialism: An Outdated Relic

Adel Bashqawi

May 05, 2024


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On Passing H.R.8035 – Ukraine Security Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2024

On Passing H.R.8035 – Ukraine Security Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2024

Subject: Your support in passing H.R.8035 – Ukraine Security Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2024

20th April 2024

Dear Speaker Johnson, Read more

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Speech of Chamil Albakov, Washington DC, Jamestown Foundation 16th of April 2024

Speech of Chamil Albakov, Washington DC, Jamestown Foundation 16th of April 2024

April 18, 2024

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Self-Determination of the Nations of the North Caucasus

Self-Determination of the Nations of the North Caucasus

Self-Determination of the Nations of the North Caucasus

Adel Bashqawi

February 1, 2024


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Independence is the Basis for Circassian National Survival

Independence is the Basis for Circassian National Survival

Independence is the Basis for Circassian National Survival

Adel Bashqawi

January 28, 2024

Photo: Meeting of the confederated princes of Circassia on the bank of the Urin Edmund Spencer, Travels in Circassia, Krim-Tartary &c: including a steam voyage down the Danube from Vienna to Constantinople, and round the Black sea.


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