Intrusive Colonialism: An Outdated Relic
Adel Bashqawi
May 05, 2024

Colonialism: A Parasitic Relationship
It is both important and logical to use an eloquent analogy to describe the settler colonial situation in Circassia in particular, and the North Caucasus in general, in scientific terms that everyone understands. Although there are multiple types of intrusion, the intention here is to address the most common type as well as the verbal meaning.
To accurately convey information and facts, parasitism is defined as “a type of symbiotic relationship, or long-term relationship between two species, where one member, the parasite, gains benefits that come at the expense of the host member. The word parasite comes from the Latin form of the Greek word παράσιτος (parasitos), meaning ‘one who eats at the table of another.’” [1]
Symbiotic relationships can also include mutualism, where both parties benefit, and commensalism, which is a “relationship between organisms where one benefits and the other neither benefits nor is harmed.” [2]
In the general context of parasitism, one party is the loser while the other is the winner or beneficiary. This win-lose dynamic is often characterized by the powerful party using force and brutal methods to usurp the rights of others. However, the success of some does not necessitate the failure of others. In another respect, it’s important to distinguish between predation and parasitism, as they involve different interactions between species.

Disseminating Accurate Information
The obtained information related to the war and its repercussions has exposed many lies and much misinformation. Untrustworthy information, including ethnically and racially motivated propaganda, has been filled with misleading and incorrect content. Disseminating facts and promoting quick access to accurate information are crucial. Misleading or false information undermines trust and jeopardizes access to reliable information.
Defending the Homeland with Available Means
In the face of organized terrorism, the great heroes wrote glorious pages of effort, sacrifice, and giving. The patient and steadfast generation of our ancestors, loyal defenders of truth, justice, and goodness, made significant sacrifices in the heroic struggle to defend the homeland, preserving its capabilities, wealth, and resources.
Even after being away for a long time, the unbreakable bond of love for the homeland remains in our hearts. The legendary steadfastness of the homeland’s defenders for 101 years presented a positive image of those who made the ultimate sacrifice to defend their dear homeland through their own efforts, standing in stark contrast to the negative image of the aggressors. They redeemed the homeland with soul and blood, with honor and pride, thereby tarnishing the brutal and racist reputation of the army of the Russian Tsarist Empire. This army flagrantly violated basic rights and freedoms, leaving a trail of destruction, murder, foreign occupation, and extermination, shedding the blood of innocent people.
The enemy exploited every opportunity and occasion to eliminate the indigenous and original owners of Circassia, replacing them with settlers and colonists.
To dispel misleading and incorrect data, caring and loyal Circassians have ensured access to archival information, uncovering conclusive documents and evidence that expose the hateful and fanatic enemies as having blood on their hands.
Restoring Legitimate Rights in Accordance with International Laws and Norms
Russian atrocities and unfriendly actions have created a deep rift with the subjugated and annexed peoples and nations, a rift that will not be easily bridged. The reputation of the Russian state has been tarnished and contaminated by the mud and blood of destruction, murder, and extermination.
The main pillars of Circassian national existence are based on strong solidarity, a deep sense of national identity, and a profound connection to a legacy and culture rooted in a well-established civilization that has thrived in the Circassian homeland in the Northwestern Caucasus for thousands of years. This foundation is built on accumulated loyalty, fidelity, and affiliation to the homeland, coupled with a rejection of discrimination, conflicts, and disputes among people of the same origin and homeland. Therefore, it is crucial to agree on a roadmap that outlines the path towards the ultimate goal of exercising the right to self-determination on their ancestral land.
The nations yearning for freedom and independence are demanding it without the slightest retreat, clearly, decisively, firmly, and most importantly, in accordance with the United Nations’ assertion that “the right to self-determination is an integral element of basic human rights and fundamental freedoms.” [3]
Most importantly, in this aspect, the rights of indigenous peoples must align with the right to self-determination. The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples acknowledges that “the Charter of the United Nations, the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, as well as the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action, affirm the fundamental importance of the right to self-determination of all peoples, by virtue of which they freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural development.” [4]
It is essential to acknowledge the aspirations of every nation subjected to brutal forces that disregard human values and the rights of the occupied territories. The Circassian homeland was seized by force, resulting in the displacement of 90% of the Circassian nation beyond their ancestral borders. Circassians continue to reside in numerous countries worldwide, advocating for freedom and independence.
Two articles from the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples underscore:
“1. The subjugation of peoples to alien domination and exploitation violates fundamental human rights, contravenes the Charter of the United Nations, and obstructs global peace and cooperation.
2. All peoples possess the right to self-determination, enabling them to freely determine their political status and pursue their economic, social, and cultural development.” [5]
Prioritizing the restoration of legitimate and legal rights is imperative, guided by relevant United Nations charters, declarations, resolutions, principles, and proclamations. These international frameworks provide the necessary foundation to demand and restore the usurped Circassian rights, recognizing that these rights are not subject to the statute of limitations. [6]