Where Has This Love and Admiration Been Concealed?

Where Has This Love and Admiration Been Concealed?

Where Has This Love and Admiration Been Concealed?

Adel Bashqawi

August 29, 2024


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Circassia and Ukraine: Two Nations Even Russian Genocide Can’t Destroy

Circassia and Ukraine: Two Nations Even Russian Genocide Can’t Destroy

Circassia and Ukraine: Two Nations Even Russian Genocide Can’t Destroy

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Paul Goble’s 50 Windows on Eurasia / August 22, 2024

Paul Goble’s 50 Windows on Eurasia / August 22, 2024

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When the Colonizer Decides without Consulting Colonized Nations

When the Colonizer Decides without Consulting Colonized Nations

When the Colonizer Decides without Consulting Colonized Nations

Adel Bashqawi
August 18, 2024

Russian military and Circassian representatives meet for discussions, 1855

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Russian imperialism was never gone. We just stopped seeing it.

Russian imperialism was never gone. We just stopped seeing it.

Russian imperialism was never gone. We just stopped seeing it.

Understanding global politics is needed now more than ever

                                                             Illustration by Jack Ohman

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On the Termination of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities / О прекращении действия Рамочной конвенции о защите национальных меньшинств

On the Termination of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities / О прекращении действия Рамочной конвенции о защите национальных меньшинств

Official Statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation
(On the Termination of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities)

Официальное сообщение Министерства иностранных дел Российской Федерации
(О прекращении действия Рамочной конвенции о защите национальных меньшинств)

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What was the Binding Law of War During the Russian Colonial Invasions in the Nineteenth Century?

What was the Binding Law of War During the Russian Colonial Invasions in the Nineteenth Century?

What was the Binding Law of War During the Russian Colonial Invasions in the Nineteenth Century?

Adel Bashqawi

August 13, 2024

Wikipedia / Russian expansion in Eurasia between 1533 and 1894

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