Human Rights Principles Versus FSB Behaviors

Human Rights Principles Versus FSB Behaviors

Adel Bashqawi

July 12, 2024

Olga Begretova

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Decolonizing Russia: A Closer Look (Part 1)

Decolonizing Russia: A Closer Look (Part 1)

Decolonizing Russia: A Closer Look (Part 1)

Adel Bashqawi

July 03, 2024

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Нальчик: черкесы почтили память жертв Кавказской войны свечами и песнями

Nalchik: Circassians honored the memory of the victims of the Caucasian War with candles and songs

نالتشيك: قام الشراكسة بتكريم ذكرى ضحايا حرب القوقاز بالشموع والأغاني

Нальчик: черкесы почтили память жертв Кавказской войны свечами и песнями

Кавказский Узел

May 20, 2024

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14 MAY 2024  Human rights activist Olga Begretova filed a lawsuit against the FSB

14 MAY 2024 Human rights activist Olga Begretova filed a lawsuit against the FSB

14 MAY 2024

Human rights activist Olga Begretova filed a lawsuit against the FSB

Olga Begretova

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Роль черкешенских женщин в силе общества / The Role of Circassian Women in the Strength of the Society

Роль черкешенских женщин в силе общества / The Role of Circassian Women in the Strength of the Society

The Role of Circassian Women in the Strength of the Society

دور المرأة الشركسية في متانة المجتمع

Роль черкешенских женщин в силе общества

National Army Museum, London, UK.

Posted: May 8, 2024

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Circassian Funerals:  Between Russian Invasion of Circassia and Current Invasion of Ukraine

Circassian Funerals: Between Russian Invasion of Circassia and Current Invasion of Ukraine

Circassian Funerals:

Between Russian Invasion of Circassia and Current Invasion of Ukraine

Adel Bashqawi

April 29, 2024

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Neither North Caucasus Republics nor Their Peoples Doing Enough to Defend Their Languages against Moscow’s Attacks, Four Kabardino-Balkar Scholars Say

Neither North Caucasus Republics nor Their Peoples Doing Enough to Defend Their Languages against Moscow’s Attacks, Four Kabardino-Balkar Scholars Say

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Neither North Caucasus Republics nor Their Peoples Doing Enough to Defend Their Languages against Moscow’s Attacks, Four Kabardino-Balkar Scholars Say

Paul Goble

Staunton, Jan. 20 – Moscow is entirely responsible for the drive to Russianize and then Russify the peoples of the North Caucasus by destroying the languages of the nations of that region, but neither the governments of the republics there nor members of their titular nationalities are doing much to resist, four Kabardino-Balkar scholars say. Read more

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