A Superpower Disturbed of the Circassian Flag

A Superpower Disturbed of the Circassian Flag

Adel Bashqawi

July 15, 2024

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Роль черкешенских женщин в силе общества / The Role of Circassian Women in the Strength of the Society

Роль черкешенских женщин в силе общества / The Role of Circassian Women in the Strength of the Society

The Role of Circassian Women in the Strength of the Society

دور المرأة الشركسية في متانة المجتمع

Роль черкешенских женщин в силе общества

National Army Museum, London, UK.

Posted: May 8, 2024

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Adel Bashqawi releases ‘Circassia and Ukraine: Two Nations Even Russian Genocide Can’t Destroy’

Adel Bashqawi releases ‘Circassia and Ukraine: Two Nations Even Russian Genocide Can’t Destroy’

Xlibris Publishing House Announces A Press Release For A New Book

October 5, 2023

Discover the resilience of Circassia and Ukraine in this nonfiction analysis shedding light on lesser-known histories

Adel Bashqawi releases ‘Circassia and Ukraine: Two Nations Even Russian Genocide Can’t Destroy’

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Adygha Khabzeh and Beyond

Adygha Khabzeh and Beyond

Adygha Khabzeh and Beyond

Adel Bashqawi

8 June 2022


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Circassian Memorial Day and Violating Ukraine’s Territorial Integrity

Circassian Memorial Day and Violating Ukraine’s Territorial Integrity

Circassian Memorial Day and Violating Ukraine’s Territorial Integrity 

Adel Bashqawi

25 May 2022

Online Conference of the Circassian Cultural Center in Tbilisi on the Memory of the Circassian Genocide Day


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The Circassian Memorial Day, Loyalty Day to Circassia

The Circassian Memorial Day, Loyalty Day to Circassia

The Circassian Memorial Day, Loyalty Day to Circassia

May 21 2022

Adel Bashqawi

21 May, 2022

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Tensions Between Moscow and Circassians Reach Crisis Proportions

Tensions Between Moscow and Circassians Reach Crisis Proportions

Tensions Between Moscow and Circassians Reach Crisis Proportions

Publication: Eurasia Daily Monitor Volume: 19 Issue: 74

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