Paul Goble’s 50 Windows on Eurasia / June 19, 2024

Paul Goble’s 50 Windows on Eurasia / June 19, 2024

  1. Putin’s Regional Amalgamation Plan a Revival of Khrushchev’s in 1957, Idel-Ural Says
  2. Nearly Half of All Memorials to Stalin in Russia are in Republics whose Titular Nations He Deported, Outraging Survivors
  3. Chinese Plans to Develop Mines in Moscow Oblast Likely to Contaminate Environment and Spark Russian Protests
  4. Norwegian Security Expert Alarmed by Moscow’s Increasing Focus on Svalbard Archipelago
  5. Moscow Patriarchate’s Stress on Russian Martyrdom Protecting Kremlin Against Questions about Combat Losses, Klimenko Says
  6. At Kremlin’s Order, MGIMO to Train Specialists in Information War
  7. Russian Courts Freezing and Confiscating Enormous Sums Not Only from Those Charged with Economic Crimes but Also from Political Opponents and Emigres
  8. Will Russia Follow China and De-Arabize Architecture of Its Mosques?
  9. Pre-1917 Russian Place Names Must be Restored But Memorials to Soviet Figures Need Not Be Removed, Bondarenko Says
  10. Since 2022, Moscow has Censored Russian-Language Media in Tatarstan Far More Heavily than It has Tatar-Language Outlets There, Arslanov Says
  11. Non-Russian Nations with Autonomous Republic More Likely than Those without to Develop Political Consciousness and Oppose Moscow’s War in Ukraine, Dolgan Writer Says
  12. Since 2022, Ukrainians have Formed More than 3,000 New Religious Congregations
  13. Russian Gold Mining Company Denounces Evenk Environmental Protesters as ‘Foreign Agents’ but Then Backs Down
  14. Russian Government Opposes Latest Duma Calls for Restoring Nationality Line to Passports
  15. Translation of Bible into Non-Russian Languages Promotes Both Spread of Christianity and Survival of Nations who Speak These Languages
  16. Nations in Russia with the Traditional Family Values Kremlin Wants Aren’t the Russians But Rather North Caucasians, Tyvans and Kalmyks
  17. Forced Early Marriages in North Caucasus have Disastrous Consequences, First Large-Scale Study of Problem Says
  18. Putin’s War Driving Up Cost of Funerals in Russia
  19. Flourishing Community of Tatars in Finland Contains a Lesson Moscow has Not Yet Learned
  20. Putin’s Repression of Islam Both Similar to and Different from Stalin’s, Two Experts Say
  21. Both Riyadh and Moscow Make It More Difficult for Muslims from Russia to Make the Haj but Keep the Russian Quota at 25,000
  22. Even Assimilating Non-Russians Won’t End Demographic Decline of Ethnic Russians, Sidorov Says
  23. Poverty and Alcohol, Not War in Ukraine, Primary Drivers of Rising Crime in Russia, Interior Ministry Says
  24. Drone Attacks Against Tatarstan Undermining Tatars’ Sense of Security and Support for Putin, Aysin Says
  25. Russia Increasingly Faces ‘Second Generation Problem’ with Immigrants, New Research Shows
  26. Internet Not Killing Off Dialects within Russian as Many Suppose but Increasing Their Diversity, Moscow Scholar Says
  27. Putin Continues to Use Tragedies to Mobilize Society and Solidify His Control of Elites, ‘To Be Continued’ Portal Says
  28. Putin’s Normalization of What had Been Unthinkable Key to His Success, Study Says
  29. Putin’s Criminalized Army in Ukraine will Help Trigger Civil War in Russia On Its Return, Pastukhov Says
  30. Russia Must Not Allow Religion or Ethnicity to Divide Country Lest West Use Those to Destroy It, Polonsky Says
  31. Kyiv Must Devote More Attention to Ukrainian Factor inside Russia,’ Leader of Kuban’s Crimson Wedge Says
  32. No Bos-Wash Corridor in Russia: Land Between Two Capitals ‘Empty,’ Prokofyev Says
  33. No Single Region or Republic in Russia Will Be Able to Achieve Independence without the Cooperation of Others, Shtepa Says
  34. Baku and Yerevan Disagree on Future of OSCE Minsk Group
  35. Russian Military Base in South Ossetia Assuming Ever Greater Importance for Moscow
  36. Putin Likely to Use his Latest Fake Group, ‘the Anti-Russian Separatist Movement,’ to Increase Repression Not Just against Non-Russian Nationalists but against Russian Regionalists as Well
  37. Ukrainian Drones Now Attacking Russian Facilities in Non-Russian Regions
  38. Almost 40 Percent of Russia’s Journalists Covering Environmental Issues have Been Threatened, Many Physically, EJN Reports
  39. After a Decade of Decline, Russian Nationalist Violence has Skyrocketed Since Start of Putin’s Expanded War in Ukraine, SOVA Center Reports
  40. Putin Successfully Exploiting Widespread Anti-Americanism to Gain International Support, Shekhovtsov Says
  41. Kazakhs Demand Reversal of Astana’s Decision to Impose Single Time Zone in Kazakhstan
  42. In 1991, the Russian People Wanted a Sovereign Russia, were Ready to Give Up the Empire to Get It and thus Opened the Way to the Disintegration of USSR, Tsipko Says
  43. Moscow Continues to Restrict Data It Releases but in Incomplete and Inconsistent Ways, ‘To Be Precise’ Portal Says
  44. Putin Working to Reduce Nations within Russia to Status of Ethnic Groups, Sidorov Says
  45. Patriotic Education in Russia Both Similar and Different from Its Soviet Predecessor, Vinogradov Says
  46. Putin Arose Because Russian Reformers of 1990s Focused on Privatizing Economy Rather than on Creating a New Political System, Chernova Says
  47. Navalny Team’s ‘Traitors’ Affecting Russian Opposition Much as Khrushchev’s 1956 Secret Speech Affected Communists, Zharkov Says
  48. Muslims Moving Beyond the Umma into Russian Establishment
  49. Russian Opposition Paralyzed by Fear of Choice Between Centralization and Disintegration, Guseynov Says
  50. Russian Victims of Natural Disasters Send Record Number of Complaints to Putin, Kremlin Admits

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