Коренные народы РФ создают платформу для борьбы за свободу и суверенитет
Автор Корреспондент вВойна в Украине, Развал России Метка башкиры, буряты, ингуши, калмыки, Лига Свободных Наций, ЛСН, удыгейцы, эрзя
This group is devoted to elaborate on obtaining long lasted missing justice for the nations of the North Caucasus. It is also dedicated to concentrate on human rights issues that had been abducted when the invaders conquered and colonized the region.
Saturday, May 21, 2022
Paul Goble
Staunton, May 7 – Yet another unintended consequence of Vladimir Putin’s war in Ukraine is that the international community is now viewing Russia’s two post-Soviet wars in Ukraine in a new way given that Russian forces in Ukraine today are behaving in much the same way they did in Chechnya two decades ago, Anzor Maskhadov says.
The son of the last president of the Chechen Republic Ichkeria who has lived in Norway for the last 16 years but who has now come to Ukraine to fight Russia and help the Ukrainians defend their land and reputation says many in the West now see Putin’s true face and understand that what he is doing in Ukraine now is what he did in Chechnya earlier. Read more
Circassian Memorial Day and Violating Ukraine’s Territorial Integrity
Adel Bashqawi
25 May 2022
Online Conference of the Circassian Cultural Center in Tbilisi on the Memory of the Circassian Genocide Day