Caucasian Knot: Abkhazia Starts Forcing Georgian Troops Out Of Kodori Gorge

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 8/11/2008 3:00 PM

Abkhazia starts forcing Georgian troops out of Kodori Gorge

President of Abkhazia Sergey Bagapsh has made a decision to start driving Georgian armed forces out of the upper section of the Kodori Gorge. Christian Bzhaniya, President’s official spokesman for media, has announced this at a briefing.

According to Mr Bzhaniya, at the background of what happens in South Ossetia, the situation in the upper section of the Kodori Gorge has also aggravated: during the whole period they watched movements of manpower and machinery in the territory controlled by Georgia.

“The contingent of Georgian armed forces was doubled in the region, heavy machines, artillery and salvo fire installations were deployed,” President’s spokesman has emphasized.

He has added that “concentration of huge military forces in the upper section of the Kodori Gorge, announced mobilization of reservists in Georgia, flat refusal of official Tbilisi to sign a ceasefire agreement and regular rough Georgia’s violation of all previous agreements, first of all, of the basic Moscow one of 1994; in breaching the latter in 2006 Georgian troops invaded the Gorge – all these have created a real threat of a new aggression against the Republic of Abkhazia.”

According to Mr Bzhaniya, the warfare is carried out by Abkhazian air forces and special units of the Republic’s Armed Forces; missile and bomb attacks were undertaken against Georgian military dispositions.

See earlier reports: “Shamba: international mediators lull vigilance of Abkhazia and South Ossetia”, “Saakashvili: Georgian troops keep whole South Ossetia under control”, “”Memorial” calls on to stop war in South Ossetia”, “Abkhazia holds spontaneous rally on warfare in South Ossetia”.

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Agency Caucasus: Abkhazia More Likely To Get Recognized After War

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 8/16/2008 11:01 PM
Abkhazia more likely to get recognized after war     

Sukhum/Agency Caucasus – Since Georgia started a war across the Caucasus when it attacked South Ossetia, Abkhazia’s way to independence was now cleared, Deputy Foreign Minister Maxim Gunjia of Abkhazia told Agency Caucasus.

The Abkhaz forces could now maintain control over the Kodor Gorge as well as the River Ingur without the aid of Russians after they drove the Georgian forces away, Gunjia said, added that Abkhazia would definitely rely on the support of North Caucasus if a possible threat arises in the future.

The following is a brief interview with Gunjia:

Can it now be said that Abkhazia has taken over the full control of Kodor Gorge and the frontier that stretches along the River Ingur between Abkhazia and Georgia?

Yes, we can maintain full control over the whole of Abkhazia, including the Kodor Gorge and Gal, a region near the frontier with Georgia.

Is there still a risk that Georgia will attack Abkhazia over again to reclaim the regions that it has lost control of?

There is always a risk that Georgia will try attacking Abkhazia over again. Over the recent years, we have made preparations to fight back. We have never trusted Georgia, and we will never trust it after what has happened to South Ossetia.

Can the Abkhaz forces maintain control over Kodor and the Ingur frontier without the aid of Russians?

Yes, we can still maintain the control without the aid of Russians. If, however, the Georgian army grows in size, then we will have to rely on the support of North Caucasus.

What is the situation with ethnic groups of Georgians in the region? Will new refugees be moved there from Abkhazia?

When the Abkhaz forces entered Kodor, there was nobody left there. We are, however, prepared to welcome them again. Those people who live in Gal have their own homes to live in; besides, many refugees have recently returned to Abkhazia from Georgia.

How do you comment on the ceasefire that was agreed upon after the European Union (EU) mediated it between the parties?

We are happy with what Russia offered with respect to the article sixth of the ceasefire that concerns the status of Abkhazia. In fact, our position is that we will not negotiate it, because we are determined to have a guaranteed status of independence.

Do you expect the international community to offer a new opportunity for Abkhazia to get recognized after the war ends? Can Moscow offer a new opportunity to Sukhum?

Yes, we are hoping that a new opportunity will gradually arise. There are more realist supporters of our independence now. We have eventually got our message across to the international community, I believe.


You are welcome…


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Caucasian Knot: Eight residents Of Dagestan Accused Of Preparing Mosque.

From: Eagle_wng


Eight residents of Dagestan accused of preparing mosque explosion acquitted

The Supreme Court of Dagestan has acquitted nine defendants accused of terrorism and illegal keeping of weapon. It became known at the trial that the defendants had been tortured.

The “Caucasian Knot” has reported earlier that last December President of Dagestan Mukhu Aliev said at the press conference in Moscow that the detained members of a criminal group were going to blow up the Central Mosque in Makhachkala and assassinate one of Moslem spiritual leaders.

The “Gazeta.Ru” reports that the acquittal was passed on the basis of jurymen’s verdict. The investigation had accused Zair Khakimov, a citizen of Tajikistan, of creating a criminal “jama’at”, comprised of eight residents of Dagestan.

Today, the “Kommersant” gives the details of the court session and of the criminal case itself. The newspaper remarks that the indictment contained not a single word about any crimes committed or mediated by the defendants. However, firearms were found on some of the detainees, but they stated unanimously at the trial that the arms had been planted on them.

All the nine persons were trialled for participation in an illegal armed formation (IAF) and keeping of weapon (Articles 208 and 222 of the Russian Criminal Code).

According to the defendants, all the evidences had been tortured out of them, and Zair Khakimov himself said that his memory was vague and demonstrated scars on his head, which resulted in memory blackouts.

Mr Khakimov reported in his interview to the paper that they had been arrested just because they prayed.

See earlier reports: “Supreme Court of Dagestan acquits a suspect accused of murdering Imam,” “Supreme Court of Dagestan acquits Dibirov accused of ties with militants.”

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هاجس الانقسامات العرقية في منطقة القوقاز

21 أغسطس، 2008

هاجس الانقسامات العرقية في منطقة القوقاز


الخميس 20/8/1429 هـ – الموافق21/8/2008 م

دفعت الحرب الجورجية الروسية الأخيرة بالانقسامات العرقية والقومية (الإثنية) في القوقاز -التي تسببت سابقا في اندلاع نزاعات دامية- إلى الواجهة مجددا، لكنها هذه المرة جاءت ضمن استقطاب سياسي أكثر حدة فرضته ظروف المناخ الدولي التي تلت انهيار الاتحاد السوفياتي السابق.

فكما هو معروف ينتمي الأوسيتيون إلى إحدى المجموعات العرقية الخمسين في القوقاز التي تتكلم لغات مختلفة وتتميز بقوة تمسكها بهذه الأرض التي تعتبرها مهد الأجداد.

ويوضح ألكسندر تشركاسوف الخبير في المنطقة في منظمة ميموريال المدافعة عن حقوق الإنسان أن “القوقاز يشهد تعقيدات خاصة بمنطقة جبلية حيث يعيش الناس الذين ينحدرون من أصول عرقية مختلفة معزولا بعضهم عن بعض”.

ويرى تشركاسوف أن المنطقة في إطار هذا التركيب السكاني تشبه من أوجه عديدة ما هو موجود في أصول عرقية في بابوا غينيا الجديدة ونظام القبائل في جبال أسكتلندا.

وبإضافة هذه العناصر إلى ما يسميه ميراث الفساد في مرحلة ما بعد العهد السوفياتي والعنف وتدفق الأسلحة تبدو الصورة أكثر وضوحا في منطقة القوقاز الذي عرف تاريخه القريب نزاعات دامية.

فعلاوة على أوسيتيا الجنوبية وأبخازيا اللتين شهدتا حربا أهلية مطلع التسعينيات من القرن الماضي، وقعت نزاعات دامية في ناغورني كاراباخ بين أرمينيا وأذربيجان ثم الحرب الضروس في الشيشان مع الجيش الروسي التي أسفرت عن مقتل مائة ألف شخص.

لكن على الرغم من هذا التاريخ يرى المحللون أنه يمكن لسكان القوقاز أن يعيشوا بانسجام إذا توقفت التدخلات الخارجية، فالعلاقات الاجتماعية تربط العديد من الجورجيين والأوسيتيين والأبخازيين حتى إن الزعيم الأبخازي سيرغي باغابش الذي يطالب باستقلال أبخازيا عن جورجيا متزوج من جورجية.

فرق تسد وتتلخص العقدة التاريخية في هذه المنطقة في أنها صنيعة الغرباء الذين يعمدون إلى إثارة المشاكل كما يرى الباحث في أكاديمية العلوم الروسية سيرغي أروتونوف.

إذ يقول الأكاديمي الروسي إن الروس كانوا لفترة طويلة بارعين في هذا الميدان ويعززون هيمنتهم بتحريض بعض المجموعات القومية والعرقية على بعض، وذلك تطبيقا لمبدأ فرق تسد الذي كان ولا يزال أداة في يد القوي منذ عصر الإمبراطوريات الكبرى.

ففي القرن التاسع عشر تحالف القياصرة مع الأوسيتيين -الذين كانوا يحتلون موقعا إستراتيجيا- بهدف نسف محاولات زعيم المقاومة المناهضة لروسيا إمام شامل في جمع قبائل القوقاز الشمالي.

وبعد ذلك استغل الزعيم السوفياتي جوزيف ستالين مبدأ “فرق تسد” إلى حد كبير فشتت المجموعات العرقية في مناطق إدارية مختلفة وأرغم بعضها على الانتقال إلى أماكن أخرى لتغيير التوازن الديمغرافي.

انعكاسات الماضي
وما زالت انعكاسات الانتهاكات التي ارتكبها ستالين قبل عقود سببا في تناحر القوقاز كما هو الحال في مساعي الأبخاز من أجل الاستقلال أو النزاع بين الأوسيتيين وجيرانهم الأنغوش في الشمال.
وفي هذا السياق يقول محرر “العقدة القوقازية” على الإنترنت غريغوري شفيدوف إن الكرملين ما زال يطبق المبدأ نفسه “فرق تسد” دون أن يأخذ في الاعتبار المعاناة الناجمة عن ذلك.

ويتهم في الوقت ذاته بعض القادة مثل رئيس جورجيا الأول زياد غمساخورديا القومي المتطرف بزرع الحقد بين الجورجيين وجيرانهم والأوسيتيين والأبخاز وما نجم عن ذلك من انعكاسات وخيمة، مشيرا إلى أن غالبية هذه النزاعات افتعلها رجال السياسة لغاية في “نفس يعقوب”، ولا تنم عن مشاعر “عرقية أو إثنية” محضة.



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Euroxase: Russia Formally Recognizes Independence Of Abkhazia & South Ossetia

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 8/26/2008 6:30 AM

Russia Formally Recognizes Independence Of Abkhazia & South Ossetia


MOSKOVA – 26 Ağustos 2008 – Rusya Devlet Başkanı Medvedev, Rusya’nın Güney Osetya ve Abhazya’nın bağımsızlığını tanıdığını açıkladı…


MOSCOW (AFP) – Russian President Dmitry Medvedev announced Tuesday he had signed a decree under which Russia formally recognises South Ossetia and Abkhazia as independent states


MOSCOU (AFP) – Le président russe Dmitri Medvedev a annoncé mardi que la Russie reconnaissait l’indépendance de l’Abkhazie et de l’Ossétie du Sud. /

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Window On Eurasia: Even Armenia Is Now Choosing NATO Over Russia

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 8/1/2008 8:05 PM
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Window on Eurasia: Even Armenia is Now Choosing NATO Over Russia
Paul Goble

Vienna, July 30 – Yerevan’s announcement that it will take part in military exercises this fall under NATO’s Partnership for Peace program underscores an important and to Moscow disturbing trend: Public statements to the contrary, all former Soviet republics now prefer to cooperate with the Western alliance rather than with the Russian Federation.
In some cases,’s Yuri Gladysh says, they have made this choice with enthusiasm believing that it is better to have a big friend far away than a big friend next door, but in others – and that seems to be the case with Armenia – they have chosen NATO over Russia as “the lesser of two evils” (
On Monday, Armenia’s defense ministry announced that NATO’s September 20-21 Partnership for Peace exercises will take place on Armenian territory and that Armenian troops will participate in them, a stinging defeat for Moscow that has long viewed Armenia as its closest ally in what many Russians call “the near abroad.”
But Russian officials should not have been surprised. On the one hand, the site reports, more than half of all Armenians now have a positive view of the Western alliance – some 52 percent in a recent poll – with only 35 percent having a negative and thus pleasing-to-Moscow attitude.
And on the other, in recent months, Yerevan has been involved in exploratory conversations with Turkey despite the centrality of the events of 1915 in the life of the Armenian nation. Indeed, Gladysh says, were it not for that historical memory, “Armenian would already long ago been among those countries oriented toward close cooperation with [NATO].
Given Armenia’s decision, the analyst says, it is time to “honestly answer a simple question – which of the former union republics and now members of the ephemeral Commonwealth [of Independent States] is sincerely striking toward a new union ‘under the canopy of fraternal bayonets’ of a powerful Russia?”
Most observers, Gladysh continues, include Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Belarus and Armenia as the most likely candidates for such a “new Union.” But an honest answer, he suggests, shows that “not one of the countries enumerated above is interested in any union on a political basis, especially, alas, under the aegis of Russia.”
Kazakhstan and Kyrgystan, he says, simply don’t need it and are increasingly directing their attention to their neighbors in Southeast Asia. Belarus is better off as an independent state so that it “preserves the possibility of successfully converting into real capital its favorable geographic position.” For those three, “Russia is not a subject of interest.”
Indeed, Gladysh suggests, Russia has “not been able to present to its neighbors” any attractive vision for their future relationship, and so they like all the other “newly independent states” are looking to the defense alliance that most Moscow officials still view as ineluctably hostile to Russia.
Armenia, he continues, “occupies in this list a special place. Despite longstanding ties with Russia and a sense that Moscow is its protector against Turkey and Azerbaijan, “this small Caucasus republic is ‘the weak link’ in the modest ranks of [the Russian Federation’s] allies.” Yerevan’s decision shows that its “patience is ending” with Moscow’s “loud but empty declarations” and that Armenia cannot expect anything from Russia. Moreover, while Armenia does not have a land border with Russia, it does have borders in the south with “an active member of NATO.”
Consequently, Gladysh concludes, “Armenia willy nilly is choosing the lesser of two evils.” And in this case, he says, “‘the lesser evil’ turns out to be close [and] constructive cooperation with the West” and with the West’s most important alliance – the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
“What an infuriating irony of Fate!” Gladysh says. A great deal had to be done or left undone for “Armenia to begin to turn away from its historical ally and direct its vision to its long-time opponent.” But that is what Russia has succeeded in doing, a tragedy from her point of view but quite possibly a breakthrough to a better future for Yerevan.
Posted by Paul Goble at 8:16 AM

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Agency Caucasus: A Kiss Of Life To Caucasus From Latin Leftists

rom: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 9/8/2008 7:22 PM
A kiss of life to Caucasus from Latin leftists     

Managua/Agency Caucasus – Leftist leaders in Latin America issue statements of support to Abkhazia and South Ossetia for their achievement in being recognized by Russia as independent.

Hugo Chavez, President of Venezuella, a close friend of Fidel Castro, a Cuban revolutionary leader who led his country from December 1959 until his resignation in February 2008, was first to appreciate Russia’s move towards recognizing Abkhazia and South Ossetia as independent countries in the wake of its intervention in the war that Georgia waged against South Ossetia. Daniel Ortega, President of Nicaragua, has announced that his administration follows in the footsteps of Russia and recognizes Abkhazia and South Ossetia. Ortega maintained close relations with officials of the Soviet Union administration during the years of Cold War. Although Venezuella and Cuba only expressed their support for the recognition of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, Nicaragua went further and recognized the independence of those two Caucasian countries.

Ortega also closely allied himself and his administration with the Russian government in its military response to Georgia’s incursion into South Ossetia.


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