In Solidarity with the Circassians in Nalchik

In Solidarity with the Circassians in Nalchik

In Solidarity with the Circassians in Nalchik

19 May, 2022

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Their Only Crime Was Not Being Russians. The Circassian Genocide, Wednesday, 18th May 2022

Their Only Crime Was Not Being Russians. The Circassian Genocide, Wednesday, 18th May 2022

Their Only Crime Was Not Being Russians. The Circassian Genocide, Wednesday, 18th May 2022

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Archival Collection on Circassian Diaspora in the Ottoman Empire after 1864 Now Available Digitally

Archival Collection on Circassian Diaspora in the Ottoman Empire after 1864 Now Available Digitally

Friday, May 6, 2022

Archival Collection on Circassian Diaspora in the Ottoman Empire after 1864 Now Available Digitally

Paul Goble


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The Circassians in Diaspora and the Right of Return: An Achievable Goal

The Circassians in Diaspora and the Right of Return: An Achievable Goal

Adel Bashqawi

First of January, 2022

An 1840 illustration shows Circassians attacking a Russian Military Fort which was built over a Shapsugian village. (Wikimedia Commons)
An 1840 illustration shows Circassians attacking a Russian Military Fort which was built over a Shapsugian village. (Wikimedia Commons)

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Инициаторы обращения восьми общественных организаций КБР с призывом принять участие в переписи населения

Инициаторы обращения восьми общественных организаций КБР с призывом принять участие в переписи населения



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Clarification on the Self-name of the Circassian People

Clarification on the Self-name of the Circassian People

Interpreted from the Russian language

October 20, 2021

Edmund Spencer, Travels in Circassia, Krim-Tartary &c: including a steam voyage down the Danube from Vienna to Constantinople, and round the Black sea
Edmund Spencer, Travels in Circassia, Krim-Tartary &c: including a steam voyage down the Danube from Vienna to Constantinople, and round the Black sea

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Two New Circassian Organizations Take Up Cudgels for that Nation’s History, Language and Toponymy

Friday, September 10, 2021

Two New Circassian Organizations Take Up Cudgels for that Nation’s History, Language and Toponymy

Paul Goble

Staunton, Sept. 10 – Two new Circassian organizations set up last week in Kabardino-Balkaria plan to take up the cudgels for the defense of Circassian history, the survival and growth of the Circassian language, and the maintenance or even more the defense of Circassian place names across the North Caucasus.

The first of these is the Circassian (Adyg) Historical-Geographic Society, and the second is the Unified Circassian Media Space. They already show signs that they will invigorate Circassian activism generally and challenge Moscow ( and Read more

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