Scandal in the Circassian Forum in Jordan 28/10/2019 / Scandal in the Circassian Forum in Jordan 28/10/2019 / скандал на черкесском форуме в Иордании 28.10.2019

صخب في المنتدى الشركسي في الأردن 28 / 10 / 2019

Scandal in the Circassian Forum in Jordan 28/10/2019

скандал на черкесском форуме в Иордании 28.10.2019

Dec 4, 2019
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Facts Useful to Remember

Facts Useful to Remember

Facts Useful to Remember

By: Adel Bashqawi

November 19, 2019


In response to my article entitled “Just an opinion” published on November 9, 2019, on Circassia Center for Studies and Research Facebook Page, I responded in regard to points mentioned, which concern the Circassian community. Due to the importance of the subject and my desire to inform those interested about the rationale of what is happening, I felt that it is worth publishing these facts. The hope of this response is not to achieve the impossible; but to articulate the input that can not be exceeded and/or disavow, because we must differentiate between only wishful thinking and inevitable result. Here, I use the wisdom that says: “Be wise enough to know that you don’t know everything.” Read more

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Çerkes Dernekleri Federasyonu (Çerkes-Fed) Genel Başkanımız Sayın Nusret BAŞ, Ürdün-Amman’da faaliyetlerini sürdüren Çerkes Yardımlaşma Derneği’nin daveti üzerine 28-29 Ekim 2019 tarihlerinde Amman’da düzenlenen “Gürcü ve Çerkeslerin Kültürel Mirası” konulu konferansa katılmıştır.      Söz konusu konferans davetinin geldiği günlerde Federasyon Başkanımız Sayın Nusret BAŞ tarafından Abhaz Dernekleri Federasyonu (Abhaz-Fed) Genel Başkanı Sayın Atanur AKSOY telefonla aranmış, konferansın içeriği konusunda bilgi verilmiş, söz konusu konferansa kendilerinin de katılarak Abhaz halkının duygu düşüncelerini direkt muhatabı karşısında söylemesi için doğan bu fırsatı değerlendirmesi teklif edilmiştir. Ancak Abhaz-Fed Genel Başkanı ilkeleri gereği bu konferansa katılamayacağını ifade etmiştir. Read more

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(……ماذا يجب علينا ?………)

(……ماذا يجب علينا ?………)

بقلمإياد يوغار

11 نوفمبر/تشرين الثاني 2019

يجب علينا عندما: ”….ندرس حالة علاقة القضية الشركسية مع الأبخاز والجورجيين وروسيا، ربما علينا أن نأخذ على محمل الجد وضع النقاط على الحروف …” ، ويجب علينا ان ننظر أيضًا إلى الحقائق المأساوية التاريخية ونتائجها السلبية التي نعيشها اليوم كشعب شركسي مشتت بلا وطن، وما سينتج عنها في المستقبل إذا بقينا الضحية الصامتة لجرائم روسيا في الماضي والحاضر. Read more

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PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT by: Federation of Circassian Associations in Turkey



10 November 2019

The President of the Federation of Circassian Associations (Circassian-Fed), Mr. Nusret BAŞ, participated in the seminar titled the on the Circassian-Georgian Heritage in Amman on 28-29 October, 2019 upon the invitation of the Circassian Charity Association, which operates in Amman, Jordan. The President of the Federation of Abkhaz Associations (Abkhaz-Fed) Mr. Atanur AKSOY was called by telephone days before, an invitation for the conference was made and they were informed about the program of the conference. we have offered them to take advantage of this opportunity to talk with the other side. However, the Chairman of Abkhaz-Fed stated that he could not attend this conference due to his principles. Read more

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Kamuoyunun Dikkatine

Kamuoyunun Dikkatine


Abhaz Dernekleri Federasyonu

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To the Georgian, Abkhaz and Circassian Communities

To the Georgian, Abkhaz and Circassian Communities

To the Georgian, Abkhaz and Circassian Communities

5 November, 2019

PHOTO-2019-11-05-23-42-44 Read more

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