صخب في المنتدى الشركسي في الأردن 28 / 10 / 2019
Scandal in the Circassian Forum in Jordan 28/10/2019
скандал на черкесском форуме в Иордании 28.10.2019
Dec 4, 2019
This group is devoted to elaborate on obtaining long lasted missing justice for the nations of the North Caucasus. It is also dedicated to concentrate on human rights issues that had been abducted when the invaders conquered and colonized the region.
صخب في المنتدى الشركسي في الأردن 28 / 10 / 2019
Scandal in the Circassian Forum in Jordan 28/10/2019
скандал на черкесском форуме в Иордании 28.10.2019