Caucasian Knot: Dagestan Court Acquits Persons Accused Of Preparing Terrorist…

From: Eagle-wng


Dagestan court acquits persons accused of preparing terrorist act

On Friday, November 9, the Soviet district court of Makhachkala passed a ruling which is unprecedented for Dagestan. The court held that Said Sultanbekov, Magomed Radzhabov and Ramazan Umarov accused of preparing a terrorist act in Makhachkala were not guilty while the evidence had been planted on them by militiamen.

The prosecution claimed that Said Sultanbekov, Magomed Radzhabov and Ramazan Umarov had been preparing a major terrorist act against militia officers on the eve of May holidays. Ostensibly, they were going to explode a car, loaded with explosives, near a district militia unit in Makhachkala.

It is notable that, upon the request from the prosecutor’s office, the Dagestan directorate on fighting organized crime and the Dagestan MIA directorate on fighting extremism and criminal terrorism responded that none of the three detainees had been brought to them. Additionally, the investigation failed to find out which militia unit had detained the accused Sultanbekov and Radzhabov.

Ramazan Umarov, the third accused person, did not attend the trial. After his detainment, he disappeared and his relatives know nothing of his fate.

A criminal case was initiated on the fact of kidnapping Umarov, however, no records of the person had been made in any Dagestan MIA unit.

In the end, the state prosecutor dropped the charge and Dalghat Gadzhiyev ruled to dismiss the case and release the defendants in the court room. According to the lawyers, law suits on compensation of moral damage to their defendants are likely to be filed.

See earlier reports: “Nukhazhiev has called on the Ministries of Internal Affairs of Chechnya and Dagestan to stop extortions on the border.”

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CAUCASIAN KNOT: State Duma To Pass This Week The Law On Confiscation Of Land…

From: Eagle_wng  (Original Message) Sent: 10/16/2007 2:39 PM



State Duma to pass this week the law on confiscation of land plots for the Olympiad in Krasnodar Territory

In the middle of this week, the State Duma of the Russian Federation will approve the law on creating the State Olympic Corporation. On October 16, the deputies will consider another Olympic bill.

The bill “On Amending Certain Legal Acts of the Russian Federation in Connection with Organization and Holding the 22nd Winter Olympic Games and the 11th Winter Para-Olympic Games of 2014 in Sochi” was brought in the State Duma twice. The new wording of the document was adopted in the first reading.

The main target of the Olympic bill is to enforce a special confiscation order of private and leased state-owned land estates for the Olympic needs. The deputies have declared that it will operate only within the Krasnodar Territory and only within a fixed time bracket – from January 1, 2008, till January 1, 2014, as one of web portals writes.

As for the rest, the bill has no changes in comparison with the first wording thereof.

Meanwhile, the land prices in Sochi continue to beat records. In the coastal regions, the land is offered for $150,000 for 0.01 hectare, and in city centre – for $500,000-700,000.

The “Caucasian Knot” has reported earlier that a protest meeting of local residents was held in the Imereti Lowland (the area of the city of Adler where most of the sporting objects for the Olympiad in Sochi are planned for construction) in protest against adoption of the so-called “Olympic Law.” It stipulates a simplified way of confiscating land plots for Olympic needs, that is, in the extrajudicial manner.

About 500 residents of the state farms “Rossiya” and “Yuzhnye Kultury” took part in the action.

The main demand of the protesters was to cancel the decision on their eviction. There are rumours circulating among local residents that instead of their houses elite cottages will be erected, which have nothing to do with the Olympic objects.

It turned out that the owners of 40 houses have already received prescriptions that their houses will get within the Olympic construction area, but at the same time they were not given any information about the compensations to be paid out to them.

The settlement of the “Rossiya” State Farm located in the Imereti Lowland is inhabited by 2,500 families; many of them have no legal documents on their land, since the documents are only now being drawn up.

The residents assert that the authorities have promised them the help to legitimate their land plots. The promise was given personally by the Governor of the Territory, when the commission of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) visited Sochi. However, according to the participants of the meeting, the authorities have failed to keep their word.

See earlier reports: “Picket in Moscow against amendments to land ownership law.”

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New Google Email Accounts at Justice For North Caucasus

From shml_blue

Salam to all,

You can have a new Google email account at Justice For North Caucasus,

with a 2GB capacity, Your email will be

If you would like an an email account with us, plz write to

and plz include the username desired.

Best Regards,

Justice for North Caucasus

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Two suspects detained in Ingushetia over Nevsky Express train bombing

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 10/25/2007 2:06 PM
October 24th 2007 · Prague Watchdog / Beybulat Polonkoyev     
Two suspects detained in Ingushetia over Nevsky Express train bombing

By Beybulat Polonkoyev

NAZRAN, Ingushetia – On the evening of October 23 two local residents were detained by Russian police and FSB officials in the village of Ekazhevo, which is located in Ingushetia’s Nazranovsky district. The suspects, two brothers named Khidriyev, are suspected of the bombing of a passenger train in Novgorod oblast on August 13, one of their immediate family members told Prague Watchdog’s correspondent.

This information was later confirmed by the republic’s interior ministry. Both detainees have now been taken to Moscow for questioning and further investigation.

Commenting on the arrests, Ruslan Badalov, director of the Chechen Committee for National Salvation (CCNS) said: “In the past when anything happened in Russia, a ‘Chechen trace’ was seen everywhere, and now they’ve started to attribute it to Ingushetia. When the Volgodonsk apartment blasts took place Chechens were immediately accused of having caused them, without the slightest intervention of legal procedures or the courts, though they never caught a single Chechen who might have been responsible for that terrible crime. I’m afraid that just as in the case of Chechnya, the increasingly frequent comments about an ‘Ingush trace’ are going to serve as a springboard for the launching of military operations in Ingushetia.”

On August 13 2007 several carriages of passenger train No.166 from Moscow to St Petersburg were derailed on the stretch of track between the villages of Burga and Krasnenka in the Malovishersky district of Novgorod oblast. According to the official investigation, the accident was caused by the detonation of a home-made explosive device. Some 60 passengers were hurt, no one was killed.

Three men are already being treated as suspects in the case. Two, presently on bail, are residents of St Petersburg, and the third is a Chechen resident of Chudovo, a district town in Novgorod oblast.

(Translation by DM)

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National traitor came under fire in Nazran

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 11/1/2007 11:03 PM
National traitor came under fire in Nazran
Publication time: 31 October 2007, 22:46
RIA News agency reported that a murtad (national traitor) in the rank of lieutenant colonel was shot by Ingush Mujahideen in Naztan. Agency reported that murtad with gunshot wounds was hospitalized.

Kavkaz Center

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PRIMA-News: Illegal Withdrawal Of Union Of Rightist Forces (SPS) Propaganda…

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 11/11/2007 2:11 AM
10.11.2007 19:38 MSK
Illegal withdrawal of Union of Rightist Forces (SPS) propaganda material continues
RUSSIA, Moscow. In Russia, a special operation was conducted by law-enforcement agencies to confiscate a legally published print run of the pre-election newspaper of the SPS, reported the SPS press-service on November 8. More than 10 million copies of the newspaper were confiscated in the course of a week. Almost 4 million were blocked from production at printing houses.

In particular, in Krasnoyarsk, at a State Inspectorate For Road Traffic Safety post, a car transporting part of the print run of the newspaper was detained, and the remaining print run was taken directly from the printing house. In Izhevsk, the print run of the newspaper was taken from storage space leased by the regional department of the SPS. At the entrance to the city of Moscow, a group of armed officers of law-enforcement agencies stopped a car transporting a print run of official SPS materials. The examination of the car allegedly turned up several copies of “certain extremist literature”, which became the occasion for the detention of the driver and confiscation of the official print run. Similar instances occurred to twenty people.

On the morning of November 8, law-enforcement agencies completely blocked the work of the printing house “Reo-Print”, the official SPS contractor for the production of propaganda materials. SPS representatives arrived at the printing house to take pick up some printed material, but were not allowed into the printing house. All entrances were blocked by DPS cars. To all calls, the secretary of the printing responded that the printing house was being investigated and could not be entered. Scores of MVD officers were on the printing house’s property. All calls to the printing house were being monitored. SPS representatives attempted to be connected to colleagues of the UBOP 16th Division (the division that decided on investigating the “Reo-Print” printing house). The person on duty said everyone in command was engaged in the printing house investigation.

The chairman of the SPS Federal Politsovet, Nikita Byelich stated: “In Russia, lawful cruelty has begun. Election law is being violated. They understand that there are no legal methods to prevent us in our work. Therefore they’ve resorted to violating the law. They tell us: “Yes, you are right, but your newspaper you will not last until the end of the election campaign”. This very convincingly proves that the Kremlin fears the SPS will win seats in the State Duma “.

The SPS press-service also reported that for three days the whereabouts of Yevgeny Novokreshchenov, a driver who was transporting a half-million copy print run of SPS materials, have been unknown. On November 5, he left the “Reo-Print” printing house in Podolsky and disappeared. Only after two days was he able to make a call, which was cut off. Novokreshchenov did not know where he was located, though it was possibly beyond the limits of the Podolsky region.

The chief of the SPS pre-election staff Anton Bakov stated: “The kidnapping of people with no connection to policy – such as a simple driver— once more confirms that the nascent personality cult of Putin is dangerous to all citizens of Russia without exception: from the multi-millionaire to cleaning woman “.

Translated by OM Kenney
PRIMA-News Agency [2007-11-08-Rus-07]

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NatPress: Weight-Lifter From Adygeya Became World Champion

From: Eagle_wng

Weight-lifter from Adygeya became world champion

17-year’s old weight-lifter from Adygeya Aidamir Djimov made in Austria on the world championship a new world record in the power triathlon. “Caucasian unit” correspondent was informed that by the member of the republican weight-lifters federation, supervising propagation and propaganda Nurbiy Emtyl.

Simultaneously, he said, that sport achievement also became the sport record of Europe. In the sport exercise “draft” the sportsman had lifted 208 kg, in knee-bend with weight – 220 kg, in the press laying – 105 kg. In total that appeared to be 19 kg more than the previous world record.

Nurbiy Emtyl considers the weight-lifter’s achievement natural. The trainer of the champion Murdin Sheozhev – a pupil of Medjid Huazhev – nowadays is the president of the federation, and in the past – a famous sportsman. In his turn, Murdin Sheozhev, having returned to Krasnogvardeysky area, where he was born, had trained up Anzor Chembohov, together with whom they train the sport youth now.

In the Krasnogvardeyskaya heavy athletics school, the interlocutor told, now they have 8 winners of the championships of the SFD. Therefore we may surely say that the sportsmen have more victories in the future.


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