In the Footsteps of Sykes-Picot Agreement Consequences / When the Student Outshines the Master — Part 2

In the Footsteps of Sykes-Picot Agreement Consequences / When the Student Outshines the Master — Part 2

In the Footsteps of Sykes-Picot Agreement Consequences / When the Student Outshines the Master — Part 2

By: Adel Bashqawi

20 November, 2020

*Part One

mentioned the Sykes-Picot Agreement signed in 1916, between France and Britain with the approval of two false witnesses representing both the Russian Empire and the Kingdom of Italy. The agreement aimed to divide territories, which were an “integral part of the Ottoman Empire,” between the two main signatories. [1]

*Part One [2] Read more

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Moscow Treating North Caucasus Republics like Colonies, Khatazhukov Says

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Moscow Treating North Caucasus Republics like Colonies, Khatazhukov Says

Paul Goble

            Staunton, October 27 – Many Russians and others as well blame conditions in the North Caucasus republics on the nations there, blaming them for the authoritarianism of their regimes. But that is not the cause of the situation. These republics began to build serious civil societies in the 1990s, but then Moscow crushed them, Valery Khatazhukov says.

            The Circassian head of the Kabardino-Balkar Human Rights Protection Center says that the reason for this change was not the second post-Soviet Chechen war but rather the Kremlin’s decision to treat Chechnya and the other republics as colonies and test repressive measures there before using them elsewhere ( Read more

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Kochesokov, the Golunov of the North Caucasus, Facing Ten Years Behind Bars

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Kochesokov, the Golunov of the North Caucasus, Facing Ten Years Behind Bars

Paul Goble

            Staunton, July 28 – Martin Kochesokov, the Circassian activist who was arrested on the same day as Moscow journalist Ivan Golunov now faces up to ten years in prison because the authorities planted drugs on him just as they did on Golunov but the powers that be do not face the united opposition of his colleagues that forced them to drop charges and release Golunov.

            In an interview yesterday, Kochesokov says that his tragedy and that of the Circassians is that Russian officials appointed by Moscow to run their affairs have gotten used to the idea that they can do anything they want, including make people simply disappear; and they are less responsive than officials in Moscow ( Read more

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يقول الخبراء إنه لا توجد قوى شرعية في شمال القوقاز تطالب بالاستقلال لكن المشاكل تزداد حدة

الثلاثاء 28 أبريل/نيسان 2020

يقول الخبراء إنه لا توجد قوى شرعية في شمال القوقاز تطالب بالاستقلال لكن المشاكل تزداد حدة

بول غوبل (Paul Goble)

ترجمة: عادل بشقوي

2 مايو/أيار 2020

ستاونتون، 26 أبريل/نيسان في نهاية شهر مارس/آذار، أجرت وكالة أنباء كفكاز-أوزيل مؤتمرا عبر الإنترنت بين خبراء في الإقليم وموسكو حول ”شمال القوقاز: صراعات جديدة أو خطوط توتر“. قدمت الآن نعيمة نفلياشيفا ملخصًا لمداولاتها ( Read more

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No Legal Forces in North Caucasus Calling for Independence but Problems are Intensifying, Experts Say

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

No Legal Forces in North Caucasus Calling for Independence but Problems are Intensifying, Experts Say

Paul Goble

            Staunton, April 26 – At the end of March, the Kavkaz-Uzel news agency conducted an online conference among regional and Moscow experts on “The North Caucasus: New Conflicts or Lines of Tension.” Naima Neflyasheva has now presented a summary of their deliberations ( Read more

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Paul Gobles 42 Windows on Eurasia for April 7-12, 2020

Paul Gobles 42 Windows on Eurasia for April 7-12, 2020    


1.      Is Moscow Sending More Troops to the North Caucasus and Paying Them Five Times as Much?


2.      Russian Official Sociology with Its Presidential Ratings Another Casualty of Pandemic, Davydov Says

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The Following are Mr. Paul Goble’s Latest 42 Windows on Eurasia for April 1-6, 2020

  The Following are Mr. Paul Goble’s Latest 42 Windows on Eurasia for April 1-6, 2020

فيما يلي أحدث 42 نافذة على أوراسيا لـلسيد بول غوبل للمدة من 1 إلى 6 أبريل/نيسان 2020


1.      Ingush Civil Society Groups Buy Masks for Hospitals, Food and Medicine for the Needy

2.      Economic ‘End of History’ Now Even More Consequential than Political One Fukuyama Spoke of 30 Years Ago, Inozemtsev Says

3.      Putin Now Faces Plethora of Problems He Can’t Solve with His Accustomed Means, Krasheninnikov Says   Read more

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