Between Truth and Polemics

Between Truth and Polemics

Between Truth and Polemics

Adel Bashqawi

11 August, 2021

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Paul Goble’s 42 Windows on Eurasia for July 31-Aug. 5, 2021

Paul Goble’s 42 Windows on Eurasia for July 31-Aug. 5, 2021

1.      Lack of Transparency in Russian Vaccine Development Sparks Protest Letter

2.      Agglomerations Not Step toward Regional Amalgamation in Russia, Klimanov Says

3.      Pressure Building for Launch of a Russian Food Stamp Program  Read more

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Day of the Repatriant Sends Unwelcome Messages to Circassian Diaspora

Saturday, August 7, 2021

Day of the Repatriant Sends Unwelcome Messages to Circassian Diaspora

Paul Goble

            Staunton, August 1 – Today, the Adygey Republic is marking the Day of the Repatriant, something it has done on August 1 since 1998 when the first group of ethnic Circassians returned from Kosovo in the war-torn Balkans. But the day also honors Circassians returning from other countries in Europe and the Middle East.

            Unfortunately, the number who have been able to return – about 2,000 in all – is a drop in the bucket compared to the number of Circassians who want to return to the homeland from which their ancestors were expelled in 1864 and who have been blocked by the Russian authorities who fear any mass return would destabilize the North Caucasus. Read more

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A Lie May Take Care of the Present but it has no Future

A Lie May Take Care of the Present but it has no Future

A Lie May Take Care of the Present but it has no Future

Adel Bashqawi

7 August 2021

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Репатриация должна быть осмысленной и ответственной

Репатриация должна быть осмысленной и ответственной

Репатриация должна быть осмысленной и ответственной

1 августа в Республике Адыгея отмечается День репатрианта

02.08, 2021
Владимир Марков

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Новое назначение Мединского и грядущее «дело историков»

Новое назначение Мединского и грядущее «дело историков»

Новое назначение Мединского и грядущее «дело историков»

31 июля 2021

Кирилл Мартынов, редактор отдела политики Read more

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The Head Of The FCCS Condemned The Anti-Russian Activities Of The “Circassian Cultural Center” Of Georgia

The Head Of The FCCS Condemned The Anti-Russian Activities Of The “Circassian Cultural Center” Of Georgia

The Head Of The FCCS Condemned The Anti-Russian Activities Of The “Circassian Cultural Center” Of Georgia

The statement was made during his visit to republic of Adygea.

Posted on Jul 20, 2021

sub-buzz-6104-1626808916-14 Read more

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