Заявление Талышского Национального Движения: Россия сдала талышей?!

Заявление Талышского Национального Движения: Россия сдала талышей?!

Заявление Талышского Национального Движения: Россия сдала талышей?!

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Лидер черкесской организации КАФФЕД высказался против создания «Европейского хасэ»

Лидер черкесской организации КАФФЕД высказался против создания «Европейского хасэ»

1 марта 2019

Лидер черкесской организации КАФФЕД высказался против создания «Европейского хасэ»

Фото sonhaberler.com
Фото sonhaberler.com

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For First Time in a Decade, Kadyrov Marks Chechen Deportation Anniversary on February 23

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

For First Time in a Decade, Kadyrov Marks Chechen Deportation Anniversary on February 23

Paul Goble

Staunton, February 26 – Stalin’s deportation of the Chechens and Ingush began on February 23, 1944, a date both peoples hold sacred but one that Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov moved a decade ago to May 10th in order to mollify Moscow which marks that day as Defender of the Fatherland Day and to play down the event by linking it to the anniversary of his father’s death.

But this year, unexpectedly, Kadyrov ordered the anniversary to marked on the correct day – and the day it was marked by the late Chechen President Dzhokhar Dudayev and even Kadyrov’s father, Akhmet Kadyrov, sparking intense discussions as to why he made this move and also why now (caucasustimes.com/ru/kadyrov-napomnil-moskve-o-sebe-i-chechencah/ and kavkazr.com/a/29790243.html). Read more

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Russia’s Cossacks Also Beginning to Look Beyond Putin

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Russia’s Cossacks Also Beginning to Look Beyond Putin

Paul Goble

Staunton, February 25 – Ever more people in the Russian Federation are beginning to think about what they will face and what opportunities they will have when Vladimir Putin one way or another passes from the scene and they have a new opportunity to pursue their various dreams.  Read more

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North Caucasus Men Increasingly Resemble Their Counterparts in Europe, New Study Says

Thursday, February 28, 2019

North Caucasus Men Increasingly Resemble Their Counterparts in Europe, New Study Says

Paul Goble

Staunton, February 27 – Many people explain what has been taking place in the North Caucasus over the last three decades by suggesting that men there have archaic values and cannot fit into modern society, but a new study conducted by the Heinrich Boll Foundation finds that men there increasingly resemble not this image but their counterparts in Europe.

Irina Kosterina, who oversaw the survey of 1800 men in four republics of the region (Dagehstan, Ingushetia, Kabardino-Balkaria and Chechnya) as well as in-depth interviews with 80 of them, says that she and others taking part were surprised by the willingness of the men to speak about their lives (ru.boell.org/ru/2019/02/25/zhizn-muzhchin-na-severnom-kavkaze, summarized at kavkazr.com/a/29793971.html). Read more

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