A Journey to the Motherland

A Journey to the Motherland

By: Adel Bashqawi

5 June, 2020


If people are forced to leave their homeland or their nation is a victim of genocide, ethnic cleansing and forced deportation, and/or they are born in the diaspora, where they are unable to get out of their skin, the following proverb applies. ‘A Leopard Never Changes Its Spots’. [1] The obsession of the homeland remains in their hearts and minds, where this wisdom applies: “The nostalgia of the esteemed people for their homelands, a nostalgia of birds for their nests.” [2] Read more

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رحلة إلى الوطن الأم

رحلة إلى الوطن الأم

رحلة إلى الوطن الأم

عادل بشقوي

5 يونيو/حزيران 2020


إذا اضطر الناس إلى مغادرة وطنهم أو كانت أُمّتَهُم ضحية للإبادة الجماعيّة والتّطهير العِرقي والتّرحيل القسْري، و/أو أنهم ولدوا في الشتات، حيث لا يستطيعون الخروج من جلدهم، فإنّهُ ينطبق عليهم المثل التالي: ”لا يستطيع النّمر أن يُغيِّرَ رُقْطَهُ“. [1] إن هاجس الوطن يبقى في قلوبهم وعقولهم، حيث تنطبق عليهم هذه الحكمة: ”تَحِنُّ الكِرام لِأََوْطانها حنين الطيور لأَوْكارها“. [2] Read more

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Circassians Protest Regional Amalgamation Plans and Calls to Make Russians ‘Elder Brothers’ to Non-Russians

Friday, June 5, 2020

Circassians Protest Regional Amalgamation Plans and Calls to Make Russians ‘Elder Brothers’ to Non-Russians

Paul Goble

            Staunton, June 2 – Prominent Circassian activists from across the North Caucasus have denounced Moscow’s latest plans to amalgamate non-Russian areas with predominantly Russian ones and the call by one Russian nationalist to reduce non-Russians to second class status by declaring Russians to be their “elder brother” as was the case in Soviet times.

            Their concern and anger was sparked by an article by Yegor Kholmogorov in the edition of Komsomlskaya pravda for the North Caucasus in which he said Russia faces “a second round of disintegration if it does not destroy autonomies and republics.” That article has been taken down from the paper’s website but a copy is at natpressru.info/index.php?newsid=12007. Read more

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