Clashes Intensify Between Moscow and Circassians on Key Issues

Clashes Intensify Between Moscow and Circassians on Key Issues

Clashes Intensify Between Moscow and Circassians on Key Issues

Publication: Eurasia Daily Monitor Volume: 18 Issue: 151

Circassians commemorate their banishment from Russian territory in 1864 (Source: Wikimedia Commons)
Circassians commemorate their banishment from Russian territory in 1864 (Source: Wikimedia Commons)

The range of issues on which Moscow and the Circassian nation are in conflict is expanding, and the Russian government, along with its agents in the Circassian republics and regions of the North Caucasus, have stepped up their efforts to block Circassian demands. In response, the Circassians themselves are creating new organizations outside of Moscow’s control and appear ready to take steps to promote their national interests—even if these bring them into open conflict with the Russian government. That, in turn, suggests the several-year period of relative quiescence on the Circassian question may be coming to an end. Read more

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