KC: Senator McCain Acknowledges Assault On Tripoli Was PR-coup, And Again Warns Putin

Publication time: 24 August 2011, 13:15


Events in Libya should be a warning to the Russian leadership, said former US presidential candidate John McCain in an interview with Fox News.

“Places like China and Russia and other places, they are very uneasy. This is about people aspiring for freedom. And that’s what the Libyan people have just achieved”, said a Republican senator from Arizona. However, in his opinion, the next to lose power after Gaddafi will be the head of Syria, Bashar Assad.

In an interview with CBS News McCain said: “I agree, what is happening now in Libya is, shall we say, little PR-coup, but the downfall of Gaddafi is still inevitable. How long it takes and how long he holds out, I can’t tell you exactly”.

He also said that there is an urgent need to release hundreds, perhaps thousands of political prisoners held in Libyan prisons.

McCain believes that “any dictatorship is now in danger.”

“Even though the Arab countries that shed blood, and we do not know when it’s over, I think, for all the citizens of this promises a better future, because otherwise If they would have no chance to learn what democracy and freedom”, said the senator.

He believes that Arab Spring will continue to spread throughout the world, “it was no accident that in Syria the struggle, demonstrations had recently intensified”.

“I think that with our help, I’m not talking about money, but with the help of our technology, and in other ways, they will succeed”, said John McCain.

Earlier in February, McCain declared that the overthrow of Hosni Mubarak in Egypt should be a warning to Putin.

“I do not think that all these events are confined to the Middle East. These winds of change that are blowing, I think I would be less cocky in the Kremlin with my KGB cronies today”, said Senator in an interview with CBS.

Following McCain, the former British ambassador to Russia Tony Brenton declared that Egyptian scenario is bound to happen in Russia. In an interview with The Daily Mail he reflected on his work in Moscow: about the paranoid Russian rulers, holding on to power, and pressure on foreign diplomats from the “bullies” of the pro-Kremlin youth movements.

“There are huge differences between the two countries (Egypt and Russia) but the comparisons are still unsettling for Russia’s elite. Long ago I was a young diplomat in Cairo, and the cynicism I heard from Egypt’s politically aware classes is almost exactly mirrored in Moscow now”, said Brenton.

It is to be also mentioned in this context the words of John McCain that the war in Libya is largely a PR-coup is actually the first official public confirmation of what the representatives of the Gaddafi regime were telling to everyone.

Representatives of the regime of al-Gaddafi and independent journalists are accusing international media personnel in the use of staged “mass protests”.

Recent developments in connection with the assault on Tripoli most prominently demonstrated the fact that the world’s leading media – CNN, BBC News, Al Jazeera, Al Arabiya and others are in fact military PR-units of NATO and the United States.

Numerous observers have pointed out at a lie shown on TV about the “final victory” of rebels in Tripoli and the “jubilation” of people on the streets of the capital. It turned out that the footage, that allegedly had been shot in the town square, in reality proved to be fake.

On Sunday they were put into wide circulation by two Arab television stations – Al Arabiya and Al Jazeera, and then walked across the small screens of the world, including those in Russia. Fraud was revealed after the audience analyzed shot-by-shot the reportages of the night celebration at the Green Square and found there a lot of inconsistencies with the photos, and even video frames, of the same location that had been filmed there recently.

Thus, in one place, “there miraculously grew up” a 15-foot tall palm tree, which was not there a week ago, in another – in place of the 200 years old cedar tree, there suddenly “grew up” a second palm tree, the walls, windows, and so on- were different. There were many inconsistencies.

Previously, Libyan independent journalist Lizzie Phelan in reportage from Tripoli for the Russian TV channel in English Russia Today has denied all the allegations of the propaganda machine of Western countries about the assault on the capital of Libya.

In fact, the major Western and Arab television channels have conducted a massive disinformation campaign in the interests of NATO.

Independent observers have also exposed the fake photo of “taking al-Gaddafi’s residence”.

This is described in great detail in Ukrainian blog “For Gaddafi” .

The same blog previously reported that the Western media are preparing a new disinformation content:

“The new package of fake events in Libya will be broadcasted soon, I am told, all news channels are expected to beam the new fakes made in Qatar of the scenery of the center of Tripoli and that of Gaddafi’s residence.

The working titles are: “The rebels broke into the residence of al-Gaddafi”, “The city celebrates victory over dictator” and so on.

All material has been shot and edited and now is waiting from someone to issue a release order. From whom exactly- people do not know, probably from NATO.

It is also possible that a new content on “Gaddafi murdered”, “Gaddafi’s charred body found”, and so on, is ready to be released. Including of his sons, of course. In all imaginable variations. Know in advance that all this is a fictional production of joint Qatari-Benghazi-wood.

By the way, a story exposing Sunday video fake “People celebrate overthrow of Gaddafi on Green Square” is still at the top of the main page of the al Jazeera (the content seems to go from it or from al-Arabiya).

Department of Monitoring

Kavkaz Center


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