In Response To Deception Practiced By “Russia Today”
By: Adel Bashqawi.
22, August, 2012
So long as “Russia Today” Satellite Chanel has accustomed us, which seems to be the mouthpiece of the Russian government that acts like parrots, to repeat the Russian point of view in passing information in the form of sequential objective and periodical dialogue, addressed to the public “observers” for what is programs, interviews and meetings presented, which transpires a media policy aims to pass certain information to the recipient apparently aimed to capsize facts through repetition of events and information that can be easily ascertained as false and confirm they are of the lies meant to be given narrative character credibility through repetition at intervals by certain individuals or who are in parallel in the continuing efforts to offer credible capacity, which their description to matters in” ways and means” that are almost devoid of dramatic provocation, and they offer their subjects in manners that are not entirely contrary to fact, but got what is unfair against issues which are glued to them and they are glued to, as if the two parties desired to focus on them , are two sides of the same coin.
Tsarist Russia had managed to accomplish the occupation of Circassia by Tsarist Russian invading troops, through elapse of days of military invasion, which lasted for 101 years since it began in the year 1763. The effects and consequences of this media policy on the Circassian Question should be elaborated on and those who promote the said policies and strategies who think that they practice the philosophy of distracting thoughts, creating contradictions and propagating divisions and skepticism in the Circassian history in order to flip historical documented facts in order to try to change reality, shuffling papers and fabrication of interpretations of events since imperial Russia began in attempts to extend its influence by trying to extend a hand of friendship to certain individuals who were at a position of so-called princes, who were not to represent except themselves, their whims and selfishness.
The exposure by insults & slander, and the abuse to the Circassians’ history and the unbalanced display for very important matters lacks credibility, which is sensed as transcendence in regard to knowledge on the Circassian subject, which is considered an abuse against each and every Circassian who was deported from the Circassian homeland in tragic circumstances, or had perished defending his honor and his homeland. The vast majority of the Circassian nation, whether in the Motherland or in Diaspora stand as firm barrier in the face of all ambitions which undermine their unity as a deep-rooted nation, and they are ready to thwart every promoter of rumors, hateful of loyal Circassians and to everyone who denies own origin.
I cannot fail to mention in this context, and to refer to an interview dated 03, August, 2012, which was conducted by the reporter of Satellite TV Channel, “Russia Today” in the Jordanian capital city of Amman, in Arabic language which was introduced to the interview as follows: “In this episode (the reporter) hosts the Jordanian Circassian historian and creator, Mohiuddin Quandour” (, the interview was published on YouTube in the title of, “the Circassian Question .. Journey in History”, which is noted that it is the second interview within a short period of time, where the first one came in June, 2010, during Film Festival in Moscow when he was there to introduce a film produced by him about the Circassians, in which the satellite TV channel had focused in both interviews through questions directed to matters concerning the Circassian Question but in a Russian reading! It can be referred to comments on the first interview in following link: (
The history of the Circassian nation is recorded and documented and that can proved beyond a reasonable doubt, that had existed for more than six thousand years in the Caucasus, and the history of the Circassian nation did not start as some like to state and to put words in the mouths of those who didn’t say that it began in the nineteenth century, which is the century, that the nation was subjected to genocide, destruction and forced deportation from homeland, but it was beginning for the post Tsarist Russian invasion to Circassia and its occupation; The definition of genocide is: (
Genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:
(a)Killing members of the group;
(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.
And that is exactly what happened to the Circassian nation.
All this happened against the vast majority of the Circassian nation! The denial of the Circassian Genocide on one of the official Russian media does not mean, not in any way, that the massacres did not occur or did not take place, but an evidence of the stubbornness and at the same time it is an attempt to escape responsibility and thus the demise of the right to claim stolen and confiscated rights, which can be likened to the Russian President’s drawling in his English language speech before the International Olympic Committee, during its meeting in Guatemala city (, to decide on the selection of Sochi as a place to hold the Winter Olympic Games in the year 2014, when he said in his ominous speech that the Greeks had lived in the region in the past, but no mention of Circassians, the legitimate landowners, who lived in their homeland before there was a country called Russia or even a Russian language!
In this context, what was said by Valerie Dzutsev in his article on Jamestown Foundation Internet site in the title of “Circassians’ Tragic History Gains Wider International Attention” (, on the third of last month, July, 2012, which came in one of its paragraphs: {On June 18, the seventh Circassian Day took place at the European Parliament in Strasbourg. Walter Richmond, an American historian who is about to publish a book about the Circassian “genocide,” delivered a speech at the gathering. He assessed Circassian losses during the acute phase of “genocide” inflicted by the Russian Empire on the Circassian lands. “Based upon all the documentary evidence, my conservative estimate is that between 320,000 and 400,000 people died in the period October 1863-April 1864,” he said. “Many more died en route to Turkey and after their arrival there, increasing the estimated death toll to a minimum of 625,000. Assuming an 1860 population of 1.5 million and an annual growth rate of two percent, the current population of Circassia would be approximately thirty million. The actual Circassian population worldwide, by contrast, is between four and six million, with only 700,000 living in the Russian Federation.” Richmond concluded his speech with a call to the international community to become aware of the tragic events that took place 150 years ago near the planned site of the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi ( }.
The description of matters is on the contrary to what they are, is considered bizarre and disastrous in all criterions and cannot be accepted in any way, and who undervalues both the sacrifices of the hero ancestors and homeland, he lives outside reality, and let’s look and let everybody look to own status or own family! What is the reason for this presence in the Lands of Alienation and Diaspora? Did all these numbers of families had come out from homeland (90% of the Circassian nation) for the purpose of religious tourism or what is consistent with Russian description of avoiding to call things in their names, and as alleged by “Russia Today” and the media, which adopt the policy of assuming ignorance and naivety of others? So why not millions of Circassians had gone to Mecca to Medina for permanent residency there, but the bitter fact was distracting unity to this shameful extent? If the claim that the relationship was at its best with the “Russian masters” and in good terms, then why all these numbers of decent Circassian families and clans from Kabarday in Diaspora countries and dispersed throughout the Circassian alienation world like those who remained alive of the other Circassian tribes? Were they all had been tired of living in the homeland and migrated to where historian Quandour’s family immigrated, so he describes them like those who had immigrated or intends to migrate to Australia, Canada or the United States in order to earn a living for example!? Is this an attempt to repeat the Holly Quran’s story of describing the “exit of Adam, the father of all humans from Paradise”, through a realistic simulation of the exodus of Circassians from the Caucasus paradise?
The information that Mr. Quandour was able to say on “Russia Today” TV channel which seemed to be disproportionate and is not compatible with reality if compared with documented information appeared in the Russian archives as well as in respected references not marred by the slightest doubt of credibility and conform to the historical facts, such as references well-known in academia circles for instance, the Historical Encyclopedia of the Circassian Nation “The Adigha” for Mohammad Khair Mamser, the Circassians, a Handbook for Amjad Jaimoukha, and Circassians in the dawn of History by Amin Semkogh, Nart Sagas by John Colarusso, the Circassian History by Kadir Natkho, the Circassian question by Mohammad Azouqa, the Northwest Caucasus by Walter Richmond, Let Our Fame Be Great by Oliver Bullough, and other books and literature which are respected and appreciated.
Would erasing and deleting Circassia from the Caucasus map and consequently the world map enters also in this concept of the migration of the fully integrated homeland abroad “outside reality”? According to Mr. Quandour’s report on “Russia Today”, Kabardians did not fight the Russians or the Russians did not fight the Kabardians, in terms of trying to focus on a reality of Kabardians where he called them “Eastern Circassians” who he considered that they differ greatly from the rest of the Circassian tribes which he called “Western Circassians”!
There is a reality that the interview had sought to focus upon, to make it authenticity for granted, when tried to suggest that the existence of numbers Kabardians which is the highest among the Circassians living in the Caucasus according to the description, due to friendship and intimate distinguished relationships between Russians and “Eastern Circassians”, and that was the reason why Russia had focuses on in its war against the “Western Circassians” (as claimed), Circassians Westerners (as he claims), but it didn’t come to the producer’s mind the Russian war plan in the Caucasus had been for the occupation of the Caucasus at any price, when one million persons were geared under arms between military forces personnel and mercenaries who had a majority of Cossacks, who had settled in North Caucasus after the expulsion of the indigenous people who had the crime of genocide carried out against them, but the most important focus was on the occupation of the Circassian territories located on the southern side of the Caucasus North-western Caucasus Mountains, to control the Circassia coasts of the Black Sea, and of the Caucasus Bank and control of the Black Sea coast Circassian and to evacuate the area of its indigenous population, either by killing them, move them and resettle them outside the region “beyond the Kuban River”, or to be deported to the Ottoman Empire. That is the reason that made the criminal Tsarist troops to commit crimes in places such as Shapsugia and Ubykh, Abzakh, bjedough, Natkhwai, Hatuqwai, Temirqoy and other tribes in order to clear the area of Mountaineers as been called by “Russia Today” and it likes, which is the name Circassians were labeled with by the criminal Tsarist Russian commanders. But we must remember that other nationalities in the North Caucasus, in Dagestan, Chechnya and other parts of the North Caucasus region were nor wiped out, as this was not done with the “Eastern Circassians”(as been called them the interviewee) the way that was selected in Western Circassian region as was named during the interview.
Lesson must be taken of what is happening in the perimeter in which we live at, where a description of an expressive scene in another context that had preceded the Arab Spring, a friend described an improvisatory meeting on the air that took place with an inglorious individual, that “it is possible to monitor emotions of an old man as if he is coming out of his skin and rises above his nation, as if he forgot who he is. He does not lack wealth, education, wealth or fame, but seems to be selling off his nation with the cheapest costs and on the air”!
There is a reality that the interview had sought to focus upon, to make it authenticity for granted, when tried to suggest that the existence of numbers Kabardians which is the highest among the Circassians living in the Caucasus according to the description, due to friendship and intimate distinguished relationships between Russians and “Eastern Circassians”, and that was the reason why Russia had focuses on in its war against the “Western Circassians” (as claimed), Circassians Westerners (as he claims), but it didn’t come to the producer’s mind the Russian war plan in the Caucasus had been for the occupation of the Caucasus at any price, when one million persons were geared under arms between military forces personnel and mercenaries who had a majority of Cossacks, who had settled in North Caucasus after the expulsion of the indigenous people who had the crime of genocide carried out against them, but the most important focus was on the occupation of the Circassian territories located on the southern side of the Caucasus North-western Caucasus Mountains, to control the Circassia coasts of the Black Sea, and of the Caucasus Bank and control of the Black Sea coast Circassian and to evacuate the area of its indigenous population, either by killing them, move them and resettle them outside the region “beyond the Kuban River”, or to be deported to the Ottoman Empire. That is the reason that made the criminal Tsarist troops to commit crimes in places such as Shapsugia and Ubykh, Abzakh, bjedough, Natkhwai, Hatuqwai, Temirqoy and other tribes in order to clear the area of Mountaineers as been called by “Russia Today” and it likes, which is the name Circassians were labeled with by the criminal Tsarist Russian commanders. But we must remember that other nationalities in the North Caucasus, in Dagestan, Chechnya and other parts of the North Caucasus region were nor wiped out, as this was not done with the “Eastern Circassians”(as been called them the interviewee) the way that was selected in Western Circassian region as was named during the interview.
Lesson should be taken of what is happening in the perimeter in which we live at, where a description of an expressive scene in another context that had preceded the Arab Spring, a friend described an improvisatory meeting on the air that took place with an inglorious individual, that “it is possible to monitor emotions of an old man as if he is coming out of his skin and rises above his nation, as if he forgot who he is. He does not lack wealth, education, wealth or fame, but seems to be selling off his nation with the cheapest costs and on the air”!
The strange thing is that this exertion, which seems outrageous by all means, aims to destroy what activists have done and still doing for their nation and the restoration of the Circassian stolen rights “everyone in his respective location”, according to the dictates of national and human conscience.
And so it does not seem that criticism is directed personally on a slip of the tongue in this interview only, I draw the attention of the respected concerned to a similar interview that was commented on earlier, which is published on “Justice For North Caucasus Group” site, in the following link:
The silent majority should break silence and quit isolation from Circassian reality circle, to give the opinion of what is happening in our Circassian surroundings, in order for everyone to contribute to show what they think and what they want.