Under siege!!!!!!!! HELP>>>>SOS
A call from Syrian Circassians and Circassians of Diaspora to the international body represented by the United nations, to all human rights organizations of the world, all NGO’s, any entity claims it has conscience and cares for humanity, wake your conscience up and send relief to hundreds of men,women, children and elderly who have been under siege for seven days in the villages of Beer Ajam and Bariqa in the Golan Heights ; trapped in shelters surrounded by violent activities including shelling and mortar, they ran out of food, water, medicines and baby milk, so far several of them were killed.
The world must interfere to save them, to provide them with safe passage, anybody with access to official channels feel free to help in getting this message to any entity that might be able to ease the suffering of our fellow humans in the two villages in Syria.
please share with your friends!!!
Published on: The Establishing Pillars of Circassian Nationalism