124 Days to the Circassian Genocide 150th year Commemoration
Document 210
11, September, 1863
Report of the Governor of the Natokhawaj Province and Commander of Adagom Regiment troops, General Evdokimov, regarding the completion of the process of deporting the Natokhaway living near the Adagom Regiment Station, to the places that have been allocated to them.
In accordance with Your Excellency’s orders, addressed in your letter No. 1451, I would inform you that the Natokhaway who are living near Adagom Regiment’s military station, have moved lastingly to the places that have been allocated for them, between Pseh Bepsom, Desibsinom River and Bakinom River on the 8th of September, and concerning their homes they left behind, and their other structures, the military forces have torched and destroyed them, and will continue that, but not before the 12th of this month, because the stocks of wheat, fodder and straw are located near these buildings, and has been the dismantling and relocation of many of the tents to be burned. And to guard wheat stocks, I have allowed some people persons from the Natokhaway to have presence near them, but without their families in anticipation of an accident of any sort, and in the event of something arises, the persons present near the site will be arrested, and will be exiled to Russia, and the Natokhaway were notified that they have to transport wheat to their new homes before the onset of winter, and at present time, their livestock had been transferred to Psih River, and they were allowed to retain a small number of livestock to be used as food until the onset of winter.
The commander of Adagom Regiment forces had firmly demanded from the heads of local communities to stress on their communities for the need to apprise them of their movements, in case they return to their former residences, the guilty will be punished according to law, and starting from the 14th of September, the troops will patrol the areas located from Napergayvskoy way, down to Kaberdenskojo old fort, stationed on the left side through the corridors and reaching to the Shapsug peaceful villages, and from the right side, it is from Mortkhotko and Ketsigoro. Down to Khabel River, and they will be expelled to the villages that had been subdued or to Turkey, but as those who will go in large numbers to the previous Shapsugs’ areas, they will be confined between the Gelin Giskom River and Bashadoi River.
General Babich