The Russo-Circassian Battle of Krasnaya Polyana (Kbaada), May 1864

The Russo-Circassian Battle of Krasnaya Polyana (Kbaada), May 1864

The Russo-Circassian Battle of Krasnaya Polyana (Kbaada), May 1864

  • published: 01 Jun 2015

The Battle of Krasnaya Polyana (Kbaada), May 1864: The CircassiansLast Stand against the Russian Juggernaut All Circassian fighters (including Abkhazians, Ubykh, and Dzhigets) who refused Russian hegemony amassed at Kbaada in the southwest of Circassia in the spring of 1864. The Russian Army and the Cossacks attacked the Circassians from four different sides in May 1864. The battle lasted for a few days, and both sides suffered heavy casualties. In the end, sheer numbers overcame bravery, and the Circassians were defeated. Many Circassians threw themselves down sheer mountains rather than surrender to the Russians. Russia proclaimed victory in the Circassian-Russian War on 21 May 1864, and a victory parade took place at Krasnaya Polyana on the same day. Most of the Circassians who survived the war were systematically deported en masse to the Ottoman Empire. Thus came to a tragic end the millennia-old independence of the Circassian nation. The Circassian tragedy of the 19th century constituted the first instance of genocide /ethnic cleansing in the modern era. It remains largely unknown at the global level. Неизвестные войны России. Взятие Кбааде и завершение Кавказской войны в 1864 г. “Capturing Kbaade and the End of the Caucasian War in 1864″ In the documentary series “Unknown Wars of Russia”.

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