The Right to Disagree and Selfishness to Marginalize Others

The Right to Disagree and Selfishness to Marginalize Others

Adel Bashqawi

26 July, 2017

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Commenting on what occasionally takes place on social networking sites, I would like to show the following:

1. Disciplined dialogue demands that every individual of society has the right to differ with others and to express their own opinion and listen to others’ opinions within a manner of goodwill, far away from exclusion and marginalization. This is summarized by, “In a time of domestic crisis, men of goodwill and generosity should be able to unite regardless of party or politics.”

2. Registering positions that may be in order to disclose to some parties, to the extent to which people may go to, to express positions that may be negatively interpreted based on rumors and questionable, dubious, and incorrect news to win over public opinion aimed at promoting vicious and spiteful concepts and policies. This would lead to a shake of confidence in constants and rights that can’t be waived. “He that always gives way to others will end in having no principles of his own.”

3. It’s obvious to observers that some of the participants on social networking sites are working to impose their views on others, and they are not ready to accept freedom of opinion and differing views, giving the impression that they consider that their role has been to dictate people what to do and/or say; while it is not even permissible to think about debating them or rejecting their ideas, which are already questionable in their validity and legitimacy.

4. I have recently shared my opinion by commenting on a posted piece of news on a friend’s social media page. At the same time, he is my friend on Facebook. The comment dealt with somebody going too far in criticizing an important part of the Circassian nation, the part that preferred to stay at homeland despite obstacles and difficulties. It’s the part that is preserving the homeland despite all the methods of tsarist Russian repression since 1864. An extreme and even funny opinion was pointed out, which is promoted by those who espouse disagreement and deviant ideology. They overlook from their calculations that the twenty-first century does not accept that there is an intellectual or social reaction that would take us back to ancient times.

5. It is worth mentioning that the description of homeless strangers’ appellation applies to those who falsely accuse others randomly through using cheap and abusive language that has reached the point of showing displeasure. This is outside the scope of any subject concerning the Circassian Question, which can be considered in form and substance. It was not coincidental that someone appears to show that he is following another party in the equation of Circassian rights, knowing that this person had already expressed, through his conversation with me in the past through Facebook Messenger, certain opinions, which he categorically reversed after he was appointed an official in one of the institutions, but I don’t want to address it at this time.

6. This indicates that those who are unable to provide what is useful to people, as they don’t have a strong argument in dealing with any topic at hand that is subject to research or dialogue to follow the scientific method of research and to prove what they believe in, cannot convince others in a logical and convincing manner. Therefore, despite their attempts to appear as the promoters and custodians of science, social, and cultural matters, they show their genuine nature and essence. Seemingly, they are unable to hide their real features and instincts anymore. This proves that “old habits die hard” and “what’s bred in the bone will come out in the flesh.”

7. Staying away from the principal theme through uncalculated games, while prioritizing personal interest in accordance with a narcissistic tendency driven by arrogant intransigence, floats on the surface to replace the community’s interest and an attempt for those who wish to descend themselves to a low level of decline that goes against ideals per the saying, “My good manners is the secret of my advancement.” Those who are unable to participate in a constructive academic dialogue, in a civilized manner, are unable to be sincere to evaluate others, and not even to participate in teamwork that can benefit all people. They even stubbornly promote transboundary propaganda and to spread rumors of a well-known source. “Money can’t buy manners, morals and integrity.”

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