Україна повинна визнати геноцид черкеського (адигейського) народу.
Подав у Верховну Раду відповідну постанову.
Росіяни мріють знищити українців, а до цього вирізали інші нації. Коли йшла російсько-кавказька війна (1763-1864 рр), для імперії це був зручний привід – 90% мирних черкесів або знищили, або вигнали геть.…
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Ukraine must recognize the genocide of the čerkesʹkogo (Adigejsʹkogo) people.
Submitted a relevant resolution to the Verkhovna Rada.
The Russians dream of destroying Ukrainians, and before that cut other nations. During the Russian-Caucasian War (1763-1864), it was a convenient occasion for the empire – 90% of peaceful Cherkese were either destroyed or exiled.Instead of the dead and exiled, their lands were inhabited by other ethnic groups. This is genocide. We remember Holodomor and are grateful to the world community for the solidarity around our grief. And at the same time, we have no right to stand aside the grief of other peoples.As the head of the MDO “For the Free Caucasus” I believe: recognizing genocide the violent eviction and destruction of these people, we can honor his memory. And also to defeat his killer.