Kafkas Oyunu

From: KALMIK  (Original Message) Sent: 5/8/2008 11:26 AM

Sami Kohen/Milliyet/Kafkas Oyunu


Gürcistan ile Rusya arasında Abhazya üzerinde giderek tırmanan gerginlik, Kafkasya’da bir savaşa yol açabilir mi?
Gürcistan’a ait iki insansız “casus” uçağının önceki gün Abhazya’da düşürülmesi bu konuda birkaç haftadır ifade edilen kaygıları daha da artırdı.
Bu son olay bir kez daha Gürcistan ile Rusya’yı karşı karşıya getiriyor. Tiflis, uçakların düşürülmesi sorumluluğunu Rusya’ya atarken, Moskova bunu yalanlıyor ve Gürcistan’ı provokasyonla suçluyor.
Abhazya yüzünden Gürcistan ile Rusya’nın bir savaşa girmesi ve hele bunun Batı ile Moskova’yı da çatışmanın içine çekmesi olasılığı bize oldukça zayıf görünüyor
Nitekim Gürcistan Devlet Başkanı Mihail Şaakaşvili “savaş istemiyoruz ve savaş olmayacaktır” derken, Rusya Dışişleri Bakanı Sergei Levrov da “Rusya’nın Gürcistan’a savaş ilan etmek niyeti yoktur” şeklinde konuşuyor.
Ne var ki karşılıklı askeri güç gösterilerinin yapıldığı gergin ortamlarda, bazen çatışmaların “niyet” değil ama, “kaza” sonucu çıktığı da görülmüştür…

Tanıyan yok, ama…
Bu noktaya nasıl gelindiğini kısaca hatırlatalım.
Sovyetler Birliği’nin dağılmasının ardından, Gürcistan bağımsızlığına kavuştuğu zaman, ülkenin kuzey batısındaki Abhazya bölgesinde yaşayan ve farklı etnik kimliği ağır basan Abhaz halkı da Tiflis yönetiminden ayrılmak istemiştir. 1992-93 yıllarında Abhaz milliyetçileri bağımsızlık için silaha sarılınca, Gürcistan bu hareketi bastırmaya çalışmış, fakat bunu başaramamıştır. Bir hayli kan döküldükten sonra, Abhazya 1994’te bağımsızlığını ilan etmiştir. O sıralarda Gürcistan’ın diğer bir bölgesinde, Güney Osetya da aynı yolu izlemiştir.
Ancak Abhazya -ve G. Osetya- kendi kendilerini yönetecek duruma gelmekle beraber, hiçbir ülke tarafından tanınmamıştır. Ayrıca uluslararası camia, Abhazya’ya karşı ekonomik yaptırımlar uygulamıştır.
Aslında, Abhazya’nın “fiili” varlığı yıllar boyunca “sessizce” devam etmiş ve uluslararası platformda dikkati pek çekmemiştir.
Meselenin gündeme gelmesinde ve birdenbire tansiyonun yükselmesinde iki olay rol oynamıştır: Biri, Kosova‘nın bağımsızlığa kavuşması, diğeri de, Gürcistan’ın NATO‘ya girme girişimi… Bu iki olay, küllenmiş görünen Abhazya ve G. Osetya meselesini, bu kez uluslararası bir uyuşmazlık ve gerginlik kaynağı haline getirmiştir..

Çifte standart
Kosova’nın geçen şubatta bağımsızlığını ilan ettikten hemen sonra Batı ülkelerinin çoğu (ve Türkiye) yeni devleti hemen tanımıştır. Bu bağımsızlığa karşı çıkanların başında bulunan Rusya ise, bunun başka ayrılıkçı hareketlere de örnek olacağını öne sürmüş ve böyle bir durumda Abhazyalıların bağımsızlık hakkının da tanınmaması gerekeceğini savunmuştur.
Nitekim bu olaydan sonra Moskova’nın Abhazya’ya daha aktif destek vermeye başladığı görüldü.
Bu arada Şaakaşvili yönetiminin Batıya yakınlaşması, zaman zaman Rusya’ya meydan okuması ve NATO’ya girmeye çalışması Moskova’nın da Tiflis’e karşı tutumunu sertleştirmesine yol açtı. Bu kez Rusya Abhazya’ya daha açık biçimde arka çıktı.
Ne gariptir ki, bu tutum temelde Rusya’nın savunduğu ayrılıkçılık karşıtı politikasına ters düşüyor. Moskova’nın bu prensibi savunmasının bir sebebi de, kendi topraklarında da -özellikle Çeçenistan’da- bölücü veya ayrılıkçı hareketlere “emsal” olmasını istememesidir.
Rusya Kosova olayında bu hassasiyeti gösterdi. Ama Abhazya’da farklı bir standart uygulamaktan çekinmiyor. Oysa Abhazya, Çeçenistan’a çok daha yakındır…”


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Bush ve Medvedev Abhazya problemini…

From: KALMIK  (Original Message) Sent: 5/14/2008 10:55 AM

ABD Başkanı George W. Bush ile Rusya Devlet Başkanı Dmitri Medvedev´in telefonla Abhazya problemini görüştüğü bildirildi.

ABD Başkanı George W. Bush ile Rusya Devlet Başkanı Dmitri Medvedev’in telefonla Abhazya problemini görüştüğü bildirildi.

‘Svoboda’ radyosunda yer alan haberde, Bush’un Medvedev ile telefon görüşmesinde Gürcistan’daki durumdan endişe duyduğunu dile getirdiği bildirildi. Ayrıca Bush’un tarafların gerginliği azaltmak için gösterdikleri çabadan memnun olduğunu dile getirdiği ifade dildi.

Abhazya probleminde Gürcistan, birçok ülkeden destek alıyor. ABD ile birlikte, Avrupa Birliği (AB) ülkeleri de Gürcistan’ı destekleyen açıklamalarda bulunuyor. Daha önce açıklama yapan AB yetkilileri, Gürcistan’ın egemenliğini ve toprak bütünlüğünü desteklediklerini duyurmuşlardı. Dün ise AB üyesi İsveç, Slovenya, Polonya ve Litvanya dışişleri bakanları Gürcistan’ı ziyaret etmiş ve Gürcistan’ı desteklediklerini açıklamışlardı.

AB üyesi ülkelerin dışişleri bakanları ile görüşen Gürcistan Devlet Başkanı Mihail Saakaşvili, Rusya’nın ayrılıkçı bölge Abhazya’yı desteklediğini ve ülkesinin toprak bütünlüğün tehdit ettiğini iddia etmişti.

Yeni Şafak

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NatPress: Hadjimba: We Should Be Ready To Any Events

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 5/9/2008 5:19 AM
Hadjimba: we should be ready to any events

May 5. “Official Tbilisi denies that Georgia conceives a war, but the facts remain the facts. The Georgian pilotless spy jets break the air space of Abkhazia, and we are compelled to break them down”. The vice-president Raul Hadjimba, making comments, declared that to “Apsnypress” in relation to the last events.

Hadjimba confirmed that a part of the fragments of the pilotless spy jets, broken down on May 4, is found. “Searches of the other pilotless spy jets’ fragments is on”, – he added.

The vice-president characterized the situation in the republic as normal. “The situation in the republic is stable; nevertheless, we should be ready to any turn of the events, – the vice-president said. – If Georgia undertakes any steps against Abkhazia, we shall be ready to answer adequately”.



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Three police officers killed in Ingushetia

From: eagle_wng
19.5.2008 23:31 MSK
Three police officers killed in Ingushetia
RUSSIA, Plievo, Nazran Region of Ingushetia. On the evening of May 14, near Plievo, on the highway leading from this populated area to Achaluk in the Malgobeksky region, unknown persons fired at a car carrying two GOVD officers from the town of Karabulak and an Ingush policeman from the Ryazan province. All three were killed instantly.

The perpetrators escaped. The search for them has been futile, reported the Information Center of the Council of Nongovernmental Organizations of Chechnya on May 15. The surnames of the murdered policemen are being verified.

Translated by OM Kenney
PRIMA –News Agency [2008-05-15-Rus-37]

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Caucasian Knot: In Abkhazia, Shelling Of The Bus In Zugdidi District Of Georgia

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 5/23/2008 1:21 AM

In Abkhazia, shelling of the bus in Zugdidi District of Georgia is treated as provocation

Laurence Kogoniya, commander of the Galskiy ROVD (District Interior Unit), called the bus incident in Khurcha village, located in the Zugdidi District of Georgia, to be “a mere provocation.” The bus was to bring residents of the Galskiy District of Abkhazia to the Zugdidi District of Georgia for taking part in the parliamentary elections. His statement was made to the “Caucasian Knot” correspondent.

According to Mr Kogoniya, today, some 200 meters from the Georgian-Abkhazian border, near the village of Khurcha, Zugdidi District of Georgia, a bus that moved in the direction of the Galskiy District of Abkhazia from Zugdidi was shelled. As a result, according to the data at disposal of the ROVD, one woman was injured, other passengers scattered.

The “Caucasian Knot” correspondent was informed by Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Diordiev, Assistant to the Commander of the CIS Peacekeeping Collective Forces in the Georgian-Abkhazian Conflict Zone, that the incident happened at about 2:00 p.m. Moscow time some 500 meters off Post No. 310 of Russian peacekeepers located in the village of Khurcha, Zugdidi District of Georgia.

Reserve units of the CIS Collective Forces under command of the heads of the Northern (Galskiy District of Abkhazia) and Southern (Zugdidi District of Georgia) Safety Zones immediately arrived to the place and took all the steps to stop the skirmish. Two armoured troop-carriers were deployed on both sides of the separation line. Now, the situation there is quiet, Mr Diordiev has noted.

In the near future, the place of the incident will be visited by the members of the UN Mission who will take part in the investigation.

Traditionally, the Georgian and Abkhazian parties are accusing each other of the bus incident.

See earlier reports: “Activist of United Opposition assassinated in Western Georgia”, “CEC: count of ballot papers in Georgia’s polling stations matches the count of voters”, “Dieter Boden denies support of Abkhazian independence”.


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NatPress: Kabardino-Balkaria Prepared For Day Of Memory And Grief For Adygs

From: Eagle_wng  (Original Message) Sent: 5/23/2008 12:54 PM

Kabardino-Balkaria prepared for Day of memory and grief for Adygs 

In Kabardino-Balkaria on May 21, on the Day of the memory for Adygs, lost in the Russian-Caucasian war of 1763-1864 years, a number of the measures and actions devoted to that date passed.

As the chairman of the public organization “Adyghe Khase” Muhamed Hafitse told, this year, as well as earlier, on May 21 near the monument “The Tree of Life”, the mourning measures – the solemn putting of the flowers, prayer for the dead, literary-musical composition were held.

After that the participants of the measure could free-of-charge see the performance “Thunder Rumble” under the play of Michael Lohvitsky in production of the Kabardian drama theatre. The leadership of the republic took part in the measures.

“The incorporated number of the Adygeyan-speaking newspapers of the three republics of KBR, KCR and Adygeya were also devoted to the Day of memory. The number was devoted to the tragedy of Ubykhs’ people, which as a result of resettlement to the Near East completely disappeared from the earth”, – Muhamed Hafitse told.

On May 20 in Nalchik the mourning concert of the executor of the national songs Hussein Maremukov, organized by the International Circassian association passed.

The measures were also prepared by the Circassian congress.

“On May 20 at 8.00 p.m. at the monument they lightened a hundred and one candles – one candle for each year of the war”, – the chairman of Circassian congress Ruslan Keshev said.

“On May 21 Circassian congress carried out the Memory March in the central streets of the city. In 12.00 a.m. – the minute of silence worldwide and action “Alive Fire”, – Ruslan Keshev informed.

Let’s remind, that on May 21 it was 144 years from the date of ending the Russian-Caucasian war (recently historians wrote “Caucasian war”). The war lasted for 101 years since 1763 till 1864.

As Ruslan Keshev told “Caucasian unit” correspondent referring to the authoritative historians, in the Russian history they called “Caucasian war” the war which Russia had in Caucasus in the XIX century. The time interval of that war lasted in 1817-1864 г.г.

“By some strange way the years since 1763 till 1817 disappeared somewhere. For that time there was basically conquered the Eastern part of Circassia – Kabarda”, – Keshev said.

In Ruslan Keshev’s opinion, under the name “the Caucasian war” is completely not clear, who with whom was at war. Instead of the uncertain term the “Caucasian” war some scientists offered the term the “Russian-Caucasian” war of 1763-1864.

“It is little bit better than “Caucasian” war, but is incorrect, too”, – Ruslan Keshev considered.

“From among the peoples of Caucasus against the Russian empire there were at war only Circassia, Chechnya and Mountain Dagestan. Secondly, “Russian- ” reflects the nationality. “Caucasian” – reflects the geographic place. If to use the term ” Russian-Caucasian ” war, it will mean that Russians were at war with Caucasian mountains. It, certainly, is unacceptable”, – he said.

In Ruslan Keshev’s opinion, the war of Russia with Circassia could be named correctly the Russian-Circassian. Its time interval: 1763 – 1864.

Thus Ruslan Keshev emphasized that that war should be distinguished from the war, which conducted by Russia with Chechnya and Dagestan. “First, Circassia and Chechen-Dagestan imamate did not act in a united front against expansion of the Russian Empire.

Secondly, if Chechen-Dagestan imamate struggled under the religious slogans, Circassia, never distinguished with its religious fanaticism, was at war for the national independence.

Thirdly, Circassia did not get any concrete support from Chechen-Dagestan imamate. Thus, with Chechen-Dagestan imamate in that war Circassians (Adygs) were united only with their geographical neighbourhood, – the leader of the movement “Circassian congress” considered.

As a result of that war Adygs lost more than 90 percents of the population, and 9/10 of their territories. Now 93 percents of Adygs live worldwide.



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WOE: Traditional Faiths In Russia Step Up Missionary Work, Breaking Informal…

From: Eagle_wng  (Original Message) Sent: 5/28/2008 11:16 AM

Monday, May 26, 2008

Window on Eurasia: Traditional Faiths in Russia Step Up Missionary Work, Breaking Informal Accord

Paul Goble

Baku, May 26 – The informal agreement among Russia’s traditional religions not to proselytize among communities whose members have traditionally followed a different faith appears to be quickly breaking down, a development that sets the stage for new conflicts arising from Christian efforts to recruit Muslims and Muslim efforts to recruit Christians.
For the last decade, the leaders of each of the four “traditional” faiths have proclaimed that they will not conduct missionary work among the others, a claim that their subordinates have generally but not always followed and one that has helped to keep the peace among Russia’s religious.
With the coming to office of Dmitry Medvedev and the Russian Orthodox Church’s assumption that he will tilt state policy ever more in their direction, however, that accord appears to be breaking down, with the Patriarchate expanding its missionary activities among Muslims, Protestants and Catholics, and some Muslims among historically Christian groups.
Because so many missionary activities occur at the local level and are not trumpeted by leaders, it is difficult to trace just what is going on, all the more so since many religious leaders are aware that too public a shift by them could provoke a reaction not only by other religious groups but also by the Russian state.
But on Friday, the Regions.ru news portal published interviews with representatives of various faiths in Russia about what they believe are the emerging “rules of missionary work,” about what they can do and what they must not do lest they upset the balance and confessional peace that has generally existed in Russia (www.regions.ru/news/2144201/).
One of the ways in which missionaries have sought to operate below the radar screen in Russia is to maintain “confessional anonymity,” that is, to present themselves not as representatives of this or that faith but rather as simply religiously committed individuals interested in helping others to find their faiths.
Apparently, that tactic is now being employed so often and by so many that senior religious leaders are concerned. Archpriest Vsevolod Chaplin, the deputy director of the Patriarchate’s powerful external affairs department, for example, has denounced the practice, apparently fearful that it undermines church doctrine.
Archpriest Boris Mikhailov, who is the pastor of the major Orthodox Church in Fili near Moscow, also rejects this practice. A missionary, he says, “must respect local national and religious traditions” and he must “clearly and precisely explain what confession or denomination he represents.” To do otherwise is duplicitous.
And Aleksandr Burkin, an Orthodox activist and advisor to the justice ministry, added that Russia is in trouble now because its law on religion does not discuss missionary activity beyond opposing it. As a result, what missionary work that is being carried out often violates the principles of the faiths involved and even good sense.
“Unfortunately,” he continued, “almost no one in the Russian Orthodox Church is dealing with this problem, and people who want to deal with it are viewed with a certain suspicion.” His own group, “Orthodox Russia,” has organized some 1500 missionary courses over the last year, but “we cannot do anything alone.”
Speaking for the Muslim community, Rushan-khazrat Abbyasov, the head of the international department of the Union of Muftis of Russia (SMR), said that Muslim leaders are now working to “structure” the faith’s missionary activity to ensure that those involved in it are fully qualified.
“From our point of view,” he continued, those who represent the faith must be educated people, who have received advanced religious (and when possible secular) education.” That way, when they speak to others, the others can be sure that what they are hearing is authoritative and not simply the personal view of the individual saying it.
Konstantin Bendas, the first deputy head of the Russian Union of Evangelical Christians, said that missionaries have every legal and theological right to become more active but in doing so, they must meet the highest ethical norms and treat “with respect the traditions and way of life of the people among whom they are preaching.”
And Rabbi Zinoviy Kogan, the president of the Congress of Jewish Religious Organizations and Unions in Russia (KEROOR), agreed, but perhaps because his own faith does less proselytizing, he said it was important to fight “false missionaries” both through the legal system and through religious education. Otherwise, the country will face serious dangers.
But whatever these leaders said to Regions.ru – a news service that regularly queries them about religious issues of various kinds – many, especially in Orthodox Russian and Muslim areas are likely to view any upsurge in missionary activity as entailing other and perhaps equally serious dangers as well.

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