Tensions Between Moscow and Circassians Reach Crisis Proportions

Tensions Between Moscow and Circassians Reach Crisis Proportions

Tensions Between Moscow and Circassians Reach Crisis Proportions

Publication: Eurasia Daily Monitor Volume: 19 Issue: 74

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In Solidarity with the Circassians in Nalchik

In Solidarity with the Circassians in Nalchik

In Solidarity with the Circassians in Nalchik

19 May, 2022

PHOTO-2022-05-18-22-27-17 Read more

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Their Only Crime Was Not Being Russians. The Circassian Genocide, Wednesday, 18th May 2022

Their Only Crime Was Not Being Russians. The Circassian Genocide, Wednesday, 18th May 2022

Their Only Crime Was Not Being Russians. The Circassian Genocide, Wednesday, 18th May 2022

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Circassian Flag Day is not a Transient Occasion

Circassian Flag Day is not a Transient Occasion

Circassian Flag Day is not a Transient Occasion

Adel Bashqawi

25 April, 2022

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Book on Folklore of Circassian Diaspora Published in Turkey Goes On Sale in North Caucasus

Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Book on Folklore of Circassian Diaspora Published in Turkey Goes On Sale in North Caucasus

Paul Goble

            Staunton, Mar. 5 – In yet another sign of the consolidation of Circassians in the North Caucasus homeland and their co-ethnics in the diaspora, a new book by a Circassian scholar in Turkey on the folklore of the Circassian diaspora in Turkey that was recently published in Turkey has gone on sale in Kabardino-Balkaria.

            The book, The Folklore of the Circassian Diaspora, is by Madina M. Pashtova, a senior scholar at the Adygey Republic Institute for Research on the Humanities and a lecturer at the Erciyes University in Turkey (natpressru.info/index.php?newsid=12761 and dslib.net/folklor/folklor-cherkesskoj-diaspory-lokalizacija-tradicii-funkcionalnost-tekstov.html). Read more

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The Circassians in Diaspora and the Right of Return: An Achievable Goal

The Circassians in Diaspora and the Right of Return: An Achievable Goal

Adel Bashqawi

First of January, 2022

An 1840 illustration shows Circassians attacking a Russian Military Fort which was built over a Shapsugian village. (Wikimedia Commons)
An 1840 illustration shows Circassians attacking a Russian Military Fort which was built over a Shapsugian village. (Wikimedia Commons)

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В Республике Адыгея упразднили Конституционный суд

В Республике Адыгея упразднили Конституционный суд


В Республике Адыгея упразднили Конституционный суд

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